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Everything posted by Zoonie

  1. ^ Frannie demanded that the youngsters turned that wireless UP! Not sure which way you mean that story's carp Frannie? because of the response or because of the misdemeanour that set it off?
  2. talking of dreams, I dreamt the other night that Sharon Osbourne was plaiting my hair - bizarre or what? (it was French plaiting round the side of my head and then fixed in) Strange. too funny Frannie, don't forget to pick up your ear trumpet too!
  3. aaaw ♫Summer the First Time playing
  4. Hold tight, we're on the move >>>
  5. Have rebooted everything but still not doing well Need some coffee I think (to pour in the router) LOL Glad you sold the car Frannie. No more news of Socks as yet, perhaps I'll drop a line to see how his first week has gone.
  6. I have extra buns, and Bee that's how I take my coffee too. Will brb, I must reboot everything, am struggling too much here.
  7. Aaaaw Boogs, hugs from here, for both of you. Hi Bee, how are you? I'm just toasting a hot cross bun!
  8. Hi and Bye Dawn, up the Reds (still buzzing) Am set for footie tomorrow, have the beer in already, chillin' Boogaloo - Boogie Wonderland was just on my radio lol! How are you? My connection is really slow today.
  9. Yeah I've heard of Korn, not listened to them though. I can see why it's similar, although I think Andreas is a bit easier on my ears at half nine in the morning
  10. Here's a picture of Mr Johnson to cheer you up a bit Kijo
  11. It's a favourite of mine. BG, I've had a stinking cold since before Easter, am full of it. Average sneezing fit is 6-8 sneezes at a time I thought I'd be breathing easy now Socks has gone and then this hit!
  12. Thanks Kijo. I'm still sleepy and snuffly - these broken nights do me no good at all How are you today? (I just read BG's on the mend)
  13. ♫here she comes like a brand new day belly dancing across the room in the moonlight I watch her sway to her rhythm I'll go as groom... with grace... tonight... ♫ Morning CeeGeeans
  14. Night Dawn, hope I didn't spoil it for you! Torres is an angel Can't abide MU and R's father was even worse than me. Tanya, it tends to be if you don't support Manchester United, you absolutely hate them - no half measures! I'm afraid I have to turn in, am really short of sleep and my eyes are so sore I'm typing with the left one closed. Lovely to see you and natter on, hope for more Night Night from me xxx
  15. Nope, nor me, I dropped everything except PS and I still feel short of time!
  16. PS Dawn, not commenting on Utd as it'd just show me up for being as mean as I am
  17. Hey Dawn *high five* I've converted Tanya now, she's a red too! Tanya, in football we give our fans' stand or part of the ground, a name, Liverpool's home fans are collectively known after that stand, The Kop. So you'd say, The Kop was on fine form tonight. IMOM's team, Aston Villa, have their home fans at The Holt End. Their song is Hey Ho Silver Lining, although they change the words to Hey Ho Aston Villa rofl, not a patch on ours is it? Watched it on Ch5 Dawn
  18. Tanya, you've got the job!
  19. LOL Tanya, it's Liverpool FC (football club) you're cheering for, and guess what? it's now actually owned by Americans! Our club song is You'll Never Walk Alone (from Carousel?) you only have to say that song title in the UK and people say Anfield (name of our ground) or just Liverpool. Malcolm McLaren and his ex wife, the fashion designer Vivienne Westwood are credited with inventing punk! and the Sex Pistols (a group he managed) are still famous today, donkeys' years after their controversial chart appearances. WE WON!
  21. Have you heard anything at all of Squirrel? she seems to have totally disappeared. My...on my slow connection I'd have been opening those boxes for weeks I reckon (although the noticeboard way is a big help now) Aaagh Benfica scored so at 3-1, it's become just 4-3 now on aggregate - about 13 or so minutes still to go - am twitchy now.
  22. Wow! I guess she deleted you as you met through the game and she 's quitting, nothing personal. That's a massive gift bombing, incredible. We just scored an absolutely stunning goal by the way (I know you like to keep up lol) Do you know who Malcolm McLaren is? (I'm never all that sure which Brits are known well abroad)
  23. Just read that Malcolm McLaren has died, only 64 - am shocked.
  24. Mmm peaches...not so sure in icecream, but a ripe and juicy peach on a hot summer's day *thinks hard to remember what summer's like* - actually it was a nice day today for a change. Didn't see your post, no, sorry...so any ideas for competitions? I like room scenes and quizzes myself.
  25. Nooo, you understood me, it's homemade rhubarb icecream and then the crumble topping is in little pieces, a bit like a cookies and cream icecream, it's really lovely. I don't have a very sweet tooth so I like those tart flavoured fruits like gooseberry, papaya and raspberries Away goals count more in some tournaments (not in the league games) because it's generally considered to be an advantage to play at home with your own ground and your biggest support.
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