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Everything posted by Zoonie

  1. Nope not seen Kijo. Bee, the new boxes are like trick or treat - you either get the pie in the face like me, or you get one of the gifts that Army mentioned.
  2. The balloons are Easter balloons, still in store. The butterfly is from the cocoon in the cash shop, it was a gift for Easter Night Army, sweet dreams x
  3. Yes, I imagine they were. My first comment is about the picture, I just didn't post it again so soon after you showed it You said, for a laugh and I said it's not funny, it's sweet. Aaah I see, all I ever got from those is a pie in the face! oh and was gifted the cat I think? It's s totally different texture altogether Frannie, the crumpet is kind of waxy is the best I can describe it - unlike any other kind of bread product.
  4. Bon appetit Army Bee, I think you'll agree that Zoonie is indeed rather freaky today Army - keep meaning to ask you about the throne you donated this week - where does it come from? I can't seem to find out.
  5. How lovely the crumpet outside yes, and then it has those kind of 'cells' all the way through, the English muffin has a totally different texture and a plain surface when you cut through it, like bread. I just read one American guide to breads where it says English people toast crumpets at tea time, and serve with clotted cream and jam, lol, I never heard of such a thing at all. I'm not even sure I like crumpets all that much, but R does - I find them a bit chewy - quite a different texture from anything else. aaaw Bee, not funny - really sweet. Great minds think alike on the brekkie front!
  6. IMOM is tormenting me going on about Socks. He was kept overnight at the charity place - in a pen I guess...IMOM wasn't happy about that, but as I said, they need to check him over and observe him before introducing him to his new people (who are meeting him today) IMOM says, hah - he'll soon be the boss of them!
  7. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bovril there you go Frannie. English muffins and crumpets (or pikelets as they're sometimes known) are different Muffin Crumpet/Pikelet Spread on the toast Bee - although it used to be great as a hot drink at the footie match when it was really cold weather. It is very salty though.
  8. A yohurt and a banana or something Bee, just to tide you over lol. Tea this morning Frannie, not coffee - we drink much more English Breakfast tea than we do coffee (semi skimmed milk, no sugar just so as you know ) I'm just about to tackle the list at the G/R Boogie did a Kogaweb search and although I forget the exact figures now, for the corresponding week last year there were something like 40 new items, and this year 134!
  9. Morning Army, Yes, you have to keep us company Bee, but you can do what I just did and eat and read We only had toasted crumpets with butter and Bovril
  10. Finally getting our breakfast
  11. You know I dread our kids thinking of us like that. My own Dad used to drive me crazy sometimes, but we always got along well bless him. I got along ok with my late in laws, for the most part - but didn't really like them all that much as people. Like they say - you can choose your friends...
  12. I used to like a baked cheesecake, kind of New York style, with a hint of lemon and the odd sultana in it...haven't had that for years! How's he getting on with his mother then? is it a bit of a strain?
  13. We're still sitting talking about what to eat over the weekend. You think I'm fussy, but ED and her B/F are a nightmare to cater for,,,neither of them like fish, lamb or pork apparently (although ED seems to eat it if she goes elsewhere and has no choice) and last time they were here we asked the b/f if he'd like chilli con carne, and he reckoned he'd never had it! (until he got it and recognised it) Very strange! (he's not the sharpest knife in the draw) ED always says it's because he was raised in NZ, but he must have been here about 5 years now
  14. You start scanning old photos Bee you could be in bed all day I mentioned you last night - the rail strike being off and all...makes like easier next week eh?
  15. Hello Bee, we weren't much later than you, but didn't have to rush to get up, not having Socks here now. So we were drinking tea, reading and chatting, which makes a change.
  16. Sorry BG, looks like I missed you. IMOM is off today so we had a nice lie in
  17. Dinner calls, see you later x
  18. (((BOO))) what plans have you? stocked up on eggs? (we haven't yet) For Easter we have Dennis the brave: ED coming lunchtime tomorrow: her B/F coming Saturday evening after work and then YD is apparently condescending to join us for lunch on Sunday - depending on the way the wind blows (and it'll be blowing a hooley if the forecast's right!) Think ED and b/f depart Monday, they're very vague. I have plans that they help with heavy furniture moving, so don't care about the weather mwah hah haaaaa. BTW Boogs has sent Zoonie a box of tissues in PS and says she has one set out at Boogie's house for when we visit *sniff sniff* - trying to be very positive, although IMOM suggesting we go and lurk around the area where Socks is going to live, isn't helping...very mixed feelings. We let him go because of Dennis really. Am sure he'll be fine.
  19. BTW meant to say, Joki and Snorks look really sweet in your siggie BG
  20. I was wondering about the CDWM comment? I'd quite like to have gone to that week... Sounds ideal to me! Shame for Bob (Dawn's OH) that the weather's so bad. Am waiting for the match to come on Ch5 - Liverpool are playing! and we're going to cook, well OH is - cod loin, roasted in the oven with thyme, ratatouille I made the other night and some frites.
  21. LOL Army - let's all think of the newest thing we got for ourselves, personal stuff, not household stuff. Yesterday I rushed around TK Maxx and I got a pair of socks and a pair of gloves for mani/pedicures, they're infused with aloe vera, and you wear them for a time after applying creams. I think they cost £5 each, so if I only use them once, I'm quids in
  22. Good Evening Army - I get to see you twice in my day ERK apparently Friday and Saturday are due to be 'the evil twins' of the weather world, heavy rain and storms with raging winds - great! Yes Wish, we watched CDWM!
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