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Everything posted by Zoonie

  1. Aaagh am trying to swap things around in Kitty's rooms so I can count up properly, and I'm just making a mess and getting confused, because there're just so many items!
  2. OK am going to the Gift Registry thread>>>
  3. BG, what happened? I'll be popping my head in here every now and then, am sorting out OH's account with G/R stuff. Since the major FB changes I miss so much re status updates and posting, and I never seem to get time to edit my page.
  4. AAh films were never my thing. Have to leave - need to do some chores, and the phone's just gone.
  5. Congrats Wish Sounds like a plan there Frannie! uh huh, I messed my signature, better fix that.
  6. I love reading Paige, I'm really lost if I don't have a book on the go.
  7. That's sad and bad news Frannie. Are you going to Dallas did you say? what's that about? See you Boogs. I really dislike how they mixed the shops up now ROFL at the pigs Wish. I'm recovering from a really, really horrid cold
  8. Hi Wish, you slipped in there Did you enjoy Easter?
  9. Hi Paige, I'm here too, have been very busy with Easter, cooking, cleaning up and furniture moving. How are you? Thanks so much for doing that Kijo I'm preparing a brand new Find the Differences pic.
  10. aaaw thank you. I feel a bit daft, but IMOM's just the same as me too!
  11. I have the door open, and the radio on, not sure where the noise is coming from, but for a second it sounded like Socks! (it's taking ages to get used to not having him here)
  12. I forgot to say good luck with the car Frannie I have no idea about the chair but thanks Boogie, Zoonie isn't a big fan of pink, as you might imagine lol. Not at all keen on the new stuff this week, it's very pale and not distinct.
  13. IMOM has 3 rainbow eggs, wish we could gift them See you Bee. Anyone for the chick?
  14. Does anyone want the baby happy chick out of the surprise eggs this Easter?
  15. Hoory - egg collection now complete for me, thanks to Kijo IMOM needs 3 I think, including the rainbow and mosaic. Can't find T's answer atm Kijo, but have done pic!
  16. You're doing well Bee The landing of our house is a total warehouse, the family room, study and dining room are a tip, the utility room is a mess, and I have 3 bedrooms that need dejunking and tidying! Oh and the kitchen has to be cleaned and tidied soon. IMOM and I have posted posted Hideeni, it'll only let me claim one a day from each person, no matter how many times they post him. Grrr.
  17. PS I wont be here tomorrow!
  18. Sorry Boogs, my lap top keeps freezing. I already went and sent to you. Send them to IMOM if you want me to keep them for you. I got the PM Kijo but pics wont load at the moment, I might have to reboot and then go and get you your answers - then come back here. It's dead at night now as you're the mainstay of that side of the Atlantic wish you had more company. If you read back you'll see I just didn't get a chance to get on here over the long weekend, sorry honey.
  19. Hiya Kijo Boogs I can send some more
  20. Hiya Bee, yes thanks, did you get yourself all sorted out? Frannie, working off line and then refreshing used to reseal the box for me, so you could then send it to someone else if you didn't want the contents. In the beginning it used to change contents enroute. I don't think it does that now, but with stickers, you could send what you don't want to someone else? (I think it still works anyway)
  21. ED's boyfriend said his mother had turned his room into an office before he was at the end of the road! I'm sure he only moved out because a) she didn't want him (he'd lived independently before following them to the UK) so the fact he was living with her, they bedgrudged, and b) he could move in with ED Boogs, I'm sure I read that you can open sticker packs working offline, and swap with someone if it's not what you wanted?
  22. Oh dear I have to say, Dennis is recovering well now that Socks has gone (am waiting for another update on him, missing him terribly and so is OH, so were the girls) I also think you're right Leo, but, it worries me that she's clinging to this relationship and talking about marriage (falling on deaf ears at the moment) Neither me nor OH think he's right for her...there's nothing particularly wrong with him, he's just terribly dull and not very bright, just Meh! iykwim? (and they look odd together in our opinion) He's pleasant enough, but we find him extremely hard work. Boogs will send stickers.
  23. I saw thanks Boogs and updated the thread with other birthdays - it's Viv's tomorrow (Tex Boo) and soon, Bee's, K-B's and Tempty's Leo - she's the one doing all the pushing in her relationship, I don't think her partner's much bothered. He moved in with her 2 or 3 years ago (we didn't know) when his mother told him there wasn't any room for him. He just seems quite a drifter, nothing much registers with him. She comes across as a bit desperate. The strange thing about her room, is that the furniture we moved out of it and swapped, wasn't even her furniture when she lived here. Her younger sister isn't bothered that we totally changed her room, from really modern to old-world style, so long as she has somewhere to sleep when she wants it, she doesn't worry. ED's room is the smaller (because she was going to move out first and because YD had never had first pick before we moved here) Now ED's room has the low and modern furniture and the bigger furniture is in the bigger room. I also told ED that when she comes home to stay, she can choose whichever room she wants (out of 3) so, she'll have to get on with it.
  24. I wish I knew who still plays PS, otherwise sending gifts is a bit pointless
  25. I can send you stickers I've been saving mine and taking gold sticker packs for anyone who wants them.
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