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Everything posted by Zoonie

  1. OK all done and I am SO late in doing the judging, sorry, sorry - I keep doing this, must try harder in future. Set a close time and judge it straight away
  2. Hi Everyone, Novia am so sorry I missed you - hope you're well.
  3. Mousakka's calling >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
  4. OMG IMOM and I are in absolute fits here talking about which well-known/celeb chefs that you'd get down and dirty with (IMOM is having to think as a girl) I need some water (and you don't often hear that!)
  5. PS told IMOM and he says you've gotta get to Specsavers
  6. NO! Wish say it isn't true, he'd want to dive into your pudding (or something) AND, he looks like Dr Bunsen Honeydew off The Muppets
  7. Toady ????? WTH ? *whispers* Toady Torrode. Not today, he just knows him through business.
  8. You're going to plan a meet up? aaw how lovely - include a smothering hug from me when you get together with some of my favourite peeps! You remember we used to live a stone's throw from Di once upon a time? YD is pretty smart, we always knew that, which is what made the frustration so much worse. Am so proud she got hunted down for a job in banking, think it's a new generation now, sorting out some dead wood and that she's placed ok with one of the leading players. I have a haircut and colour booked for a couple of weeks, can't leave it to the death anymore, not unless I enter as a one woman Olympic team 2012 - that'd be one gold in the bag for sure! Am watching the game tonight, no idea why, we both abhor MUtd. lol, If R nods off will go to Masterchef to Toady and the Greedy Greengrocer (see him often lurking at Borough Market) PS mother got stroppy but I went hippy/dippy on her for my own sanity rofl.
  9. Pssst, IMOM knows Toady...
  10. Let me gather myself about the Registry and also the last Easter comps *blush, am remiss* I can't keep track of all the stuff so have taken over all Kitty's rooms that aren't cash shop *blush some more* Chup is away now and I have some stuff for him, I lose track so am going to tell people to apply for what they would like once they get back, easier for me - three people away this week I think. The only report I heard of Socks was v positive, and I interrogated Cathy, asking her if she was sweetening it up to make me feel better - she assured me not at all - was love at first sight! (good job done there then) I hope the business lead pays off, really do. ED's b/f went for a practical interview yesterday - and YD went up to London to be a model for him (hair) Apparently it was a good day and they all went out for something to eat later, with YD's bff (Fred) YD is so much better these days, and had her one to one with her Manager, where she came out rated 'Outstanding' (she's well capable of that, but as our black sheep ...) <-- well, you know
  11. Oh and have you been watching Masterchef at all? I just watched the last two nights. One of my online friend's partners, knows the Doctor who's in the final, but they think the half Indian guy who lost his wedding ring in the food last night, is a sure-fire winner.
  12. Ok, let me think - am a bit bye-byes as we started out at half five this morning (been to the Midlands) Good news on a new lead, fingers crossed for you. Am also tired as I haven't been sleeping well at all, and it was so hectic over Easter, with the kids home and ED having a hissy fit (I posted a bit of it, not sure if you saw that or not) Went with R to keep him company trying to track down a customer who had £17,500 of goods on December 15th, hasn't paid a bean and last week (after pressure to pay) announced that he'd used half but has serious problems with the goods (Hhmmm) Strangely, he wasn't around today, but his manager knows nothing of alleged problems On the upside we called in to see our friend who was R's best man and I got a cup of coffee and a kiss (R settled for the coffee only ) Oooh and since Socks has gone our friendly Robin is much more in evidence, and Dennis is back to his old self - we still miss Socks though!
  13. Here I am! Make mine a big one please (my mother has that effect on me ) I rang her mind, as she never bothers with us *sigh*
  14. Oops on phone now, it's my mother, will get back to you real quick.
  15. ...the barmaid, returned from her travels!
  16. OK, you've all stood me up, so I'd better go and do something about food before I'm legless behind the C&G bar all on my own!
  17. Zoonie

    C&G Gift Registry

    Short Form List for over the 2 weeks spanning Easter Happy Easter Banner/wall decor 500 2 Blue Easter Bells 400 7 Yellow Baby Chick Balloon 1000 2 Pink Baby Chick Balloon 1000 2 Cute Pink Easter Basket 600 2 Cute Blue Easter Basket 600 1 Easter Dessert Table 2800 3 Easter Bunny Portrait 5000 2 Ribbon Rattan Sofa (blue trim) 1,100 1 Ribbon Rattan Chair 900 2 Elegant Tea Table 600 2 Elegant Stool 3
  18. and am doing a good job of emptying it
  19. BTW - did you sell the car Frannie?
  20. And by the way, might I say, that these days YD is really nice to chat to
  21. Hiya Frannie - i's all this new and special stuff ... driving me bonkers. Just got sidetracked on phone by YD, who's up in London - she's been a hair model for her sister's B/F at a job interview, and she's waiting now to meet her sister to go for a quick bite to eat.
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