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Everything posted by Zoonie

  1. We're 2-0 ahead and as this is the second leg of a two leg match, we're now 3-2 ahead on aggregate (away goals used to count for double but don't seem to now) This is a European championship game (Europa League) with a cup at the end of the tournament. Our opponents tonight are top of the Portuguese national league. Do you have crumble as a dessert over there Tanya?
  2. Liver flavour Tanya - we've scored!!! I like coconut, I like it in icecream, but my favourite flavour icecream is pistachio or rhubarb crumble flavour (but you have to make that yourself)
  3. Eaten Lurking while watching Liverpool play against Benfica...
  4. OK see you soon Frannie...I have to go and serve dinner, BG see you soon too x
  5. Oooh I can't remember if IMOM still needs eggs, will have to look. Frannie, you're in denial aaaw, European footie match on my team are playing at home - they're playing our song (You'll Never Walk Alone) I adore that song!
  6. aaah I see BG, ouch! Frannie, is you being lazy today to do with not wanting to go on Saturday? hmmm? hmmmm?
  7. Hooray! Ice maker is fixed, I found a slither of ice stuck at the back of the roller at the back of the ice bin. It's stopped creaking now and just called for a fresh supply of water, so it looks like we're back on track! I missed you all yesterday, what burns have you got BG?
  8. You're welcome Frannie Good Evening BG how are you? I'm just going to pop a pizza in to the oven, brb
  9. I think you did a good job using that wallpaper and floor, give a sharper contrast. All I can think offhand is maybe lose the pink bows and try a window in there somewhere?
  10. I'll go look, although I have to confess - I find the new items far too pale and ill defined, am not a fan either. Let me see...
  11. I've wiggled the arm and we've just pulled the whole thing out and I've jiggled everything I can. We've had it for about 13 years and it's moved from house to house, been in storage for a time and this is the first issue...
  12. Bye Wish, bye Army. See you soon. Aaaagh, today's problem, there's something wrong with the icemaker in our refrigerator, it doesn't seem to be calling for fresh water in, and it's making a really annoying creaking noise.
  13. Oh my - well, one things for sure, we're never stuck for a topic of conversation with the weather. It wasn't nice yesterday, but it's been gloriously sunny today, a lovely warm day for the time of year.
  14. He's all yours then Wish, no fighting from me. Greedy Greg the Greengrocer lol - we see him occasionally at Borough Market...well, they film a lot around there, and he has a stall (although someone else mans it for him) Sounds horrendous Armell, you need some antihistamine type tablets I reckon? I don't have any detergent capsules Wish, but only send them over if no one else wants them - ty
  15. Hey Wish Well now I'm adding up it's freaking me out! What's worse is how much we still have to shell out over what we already paid...I think I'd better get some lottery tickets!
  16. FRANNIE is the winner - she's the only one who counted the egg in the chicken egg cup and she tracked down the eggs hidden in the threads (if anyone wants the full list you can let me know, but everyone found them anyway) Well done Frannie
  17. Oh no, that can drive you mad. All over? have you got anything to help with that?
  18. Ok, no worries - IMOM and I are doing accounts on the (everlasting) bathroom works. Next stop is decorating and then carpets... Oooh you snook in Army, am fine thank you, how are you?
  19. Whoop Whoop, coming right up now Miss Frannie *cheers* How are you today?
  20. ^ but drinking two for one on your behalf is really taking its toll on me
  21. The Emerald Throne Room 1. Please read and follow all the PSFC rules for competition entries 2. PM your answers finding the differences between pics 1 and 2 - you can do this here or on FB, identifying the differences by note or by using the Paint programme. NB you must include Throne Room FtD in the title of your message 3. Competition will close Monday 19th April 4. Prize to be decided
  23. See Where The Eggs Were Hidden! Just checking all the PMs now.
  24. There we are, the answers to the Find the Differences for Easter Eggs. Everyone got the questions correct - and so the winner was TANYA - Eagle-Eyed Tanya, who's very hard to trick! Congratulations Tanya, you win the two Easter 2010 Surprise Eggs
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