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Everything posted by Zoonie

  1. Zoonie

    March Chat Part 6

    Hi Army, thanks BG, just got a domestic situation here...
  2. Zoonie

    March Chat Part 6

    I'd be a bit too. It's handy having ED though, she can pick things off the rack, stuff I'd never give a second glance to, or just raise her eyebrows if I look at something she doesn't approve of. The only thing we don't agree on is my hair, although I have had a lot cut off - luckily for me, her b/f agrees with me, but then he would. He's been offered another job btw, am really pleased for him, and hope he takes it.
  3. Zoonie

    March Chat Part 6

    Anyone posted Hideeni? I managed to get my full set, but by that time I almost had a second set of spares, so now, of course, I want to complete that one too (OCD)
  4. Zoonie

    March Chat Part 6

    Hi Wish, I got the dishwasher fixed today HOORAY! How about your day? Glad you found the passport BG, that's saved some hassle.
  5. Zoonie

    March Chat Part 6

    on to the courgettes and aubergine now - my those onions are strong! So annoying people breaking in to your car Frannie
  6. Zoonie

    March Chat Part 6

    just slicing onions,,,
  7. Zoonie

    March Chat Part 6

    Hee Hee, IMOM is a baaaaad man! One place we lived in a cul de sac, with a block paved road (no pavement/sidewalk) and IMOM rang some friends across the road (anonymously) and told them that British Telecomm were going to have to position a phone box at the end of their front garden
  8. Zoonie

    March Chat Part 6

    ooooh how strange with all the butterflies - I'm not keen on things that flutter (in real life) but my PS butterfly was a gift from a good friend, so I like that Mark does seem to be doing well Frannie, I thought he'd be off a couple of weeks at least! How's Robyn these days?
  9. Zoonie

    March Chat Part 6

    One year IMOM (who was managing director of the firm they both worked for) rang him early and said, we're selling your car, you need to clear it out now and take it directly to the second hand car auction as they're expecting you - of course this was just a joke. One year he was having some work done on his house and IMOM got someone to call him at the office and say they were the scaffolding firm and had taken all the scaffolding down as instructed. What else have we done to him? oh I know, one Christmas a supplier had sent him a luxury hamper. OH brought it home before he saw it and we replaced everything in it with fish based products (except for a bottle of the cheapest sparkling wine you can buy) - he hates fish btw! He was totally confused, and kept going on about what a very strange hamper it was We gave him all the thins back of course though (in the end)
  10. Zoonie

    March Chat Part 6

    I had a great idea Frannie, but it involves getting our ED to call him from work (London department store) saying she's from the Wedding Registry - but I think that might cause him to have a heart attack! How are you Frannie, and the patient?
  11. Zoonie

    March Chat Part 6

    'Good Afternoon, I have instructed all staff here to vet my calls on Thursday 1st April to avoid any issues with yourself. If you require me, it must be a direct call to my mobile, and I will not be answering if 'withheld number' shows on the incoming display. I have been forced to take this step after serious consideration of the things that have happened to me over the years on this date (stop laughing, and by the way, your wife is as much to blame as you are!) I trust this wont adversely affect our trading relationship and am sure you understand why I consider this step to be both necessary and judicious.' We get him EVERY year! So, the thinking caps have gone on now.
  12. Zoonie

    March Chat Part 6

    IMOM has just come home and said to me, read the last email off my Blackberry. Give me a while and I'll type it up for you to see. Any change of travel already booked is ridiculously expensive!
  13. Zoonie

    March Chat Part 6

    OMG! I am absolutely bursting with laughter here.
  14. Zoonie

    March Chat Part 6

    Evening BG, is anyone else here now? I'm just awaiting IMOM's return home, how was your day? (I saw the reports this morning of trying to fix your holiday)
  15. No, the egg could be in any thread that's active in C&G as a whole, on the day it's posted. A thread could be used more than once. Keep a note of it Tweet and add a note to your final PM answer (you don't need the url of a link, just a note as per the example) Thanks
  16. Zoonie

    March Chat Part 6

    Ladies I need to leave for a while - see you soon xxx
  17. Zoonie

    March Chat Part 6

    My dishwasher's fixed now, have been two weeks without it and yes, how you miss anything once it's not working! Bee, although your room's a mess, you do have time off over the weekend, and it's going to feel so good once it's done
  18. Zoonie

    March Chat Part 6

    Agreed on the hair! £600 sounds absolutely ridiculous for an electric shower - mind you anything electrical has to have so many certifications these days! I wish I was nearer Kijo to fix you up with a lift to wherever you need to go
  19. Zoonie

    March Chat Part 6

    It's the shape for me, too Halloweeny. I prefer something softer. Mind you the gardens are pretty full these days, so you have to tear things out to plant new Kijo can you buy Calamine lotion at your chemist/drugstore, am wondering if that might help a little?
  20. Zoonie

    March Chat Part 6

    Oh dear Bee, poorly, or miserable? There's a lot of huffing and puffing going on here.
  21. Zoonie

    March Chat Part 6

    Yep, he's testing it and getting it fixed back in now - thank goodness have missed it, and, have the kids coming for the weekend, so will need it! (well, ED and her b/f are coming, you never know about YD)
  22. Zoonie

    March Chat Part 6

    Those Easter Egg trees sure are ugly things, why couldn't they have come up with something better than that?
  23. Zoonie

    March Chat Part 6

    OK Boogs. I was just busy with the dishwasher engineer (trying to protect him from an inquisitive Socks, w ho's interfering - and, reading about the suicide bombers on the Russian underground in Moscow.
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