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Everything posted by Zoonie

  1. Zoonie

    March Chat Part 6

    I edited up above My I'm frustrated though. I waited all day for the delivery of outstanding items to finish the bathroom (due around about half ten) About 3pm got a call from the supplier saying 'he didn't make it' - a pause from me, and then 'I know that' 'Well he did come, but he was late: he brought another fella with him to help' 'late and also very silent then?' I've been here all day, not even gone into the garden. 'OK shall I send him back?' He's been and one of the three items is STILL missing!!!! I bet the cats think your OH is purring lol.
  2. Zoonie

    March Chat Part 6

    Piglet, it says Ellie flashing in green, then yellow and then blue on the large pink rectangle surrounded by green and yellow ??? I just thought it was the name of someone who made the siggie for you.
  3. Zoonie

    March Chat Part 6

    Oh my...will be right back just have to go and look out of an upstairs window!>>> Back - hmm the evidence isn't really conclusive. The leaves aren't out on the trees as yet, so I can see through the woods to the fields that rise behind - I thought I saw a couple of baby lambs skipping over there. There were lambs in the fields when we went to the Cotswolds the other weekend, but down here, they seem to be later (although there are some further down the lane ) I absolutely love the Spring and always get excited by the tiny lambs and new baby bunnies
  4. Zoonie

    March Chat Part 6

    Hi Frannie! Is the patient behaving? Eeeek, will someone get me a vat of vodka with loads of ice and a straw in it, you can show it the tonic bottle in passing :girl_devil:
  5. Thanks for letting everyone here know with a special announcement Lisa
  6. Zoonie

    March Chat Part 6

    That happened this morning at the Gift Registry Frannie, I panicked, but entered another room and when I went back it was ok I just called by to say Hello (dunno about Hideeni, Leo - perhaps he embraces his feminine side!) Have to do a pile of washing up and will be back after that.
  7. Zoonie

    March Chat Part 6

    Oh deep joy Bee, the budget booklets I mean. I have to love and leave you for a while, be back later on x
  8. Zoonie

    March Chat Part 6

    Not only that Bee - but it should be fun doing it too. I have everything crossed for you that it's going to work out and that things will look up for you this year. You're doing really well
  9. Zoonie

    March Chat Part 6

    Really cute It's very sunny here, but I haven't been out - I've taken the chance to get some windows open. We had bad storms with thunder and lightning last night Bee. Sounds like you're settling well, I like the bin being rubbish
  10. Zoonie

    March Chat Part 6

    Sorry late saying Bye to Kijo, my router let me down again Gaaah. Hi Bee, yes we discovered the cause of the leak, and it wont be too hard to fix - the ceiling though is quite another matter! I'm sneezing and wheezing, so is Mr Z, we keep blaming Socks, and allergies - but perhaps we now have colds on top of that? I haven't been able to access PS at all today, now you've made me so curious for the changes and new outfits!¬
  11. Zoonie

    March Chat Part 6

    I guess you see it all! (lol, no pun regarding the man in the robe!) I used to deal with the public at large in a bar - and some of the situations really weren't pretty (even though it was a pretty decent kind of place) Mind you on one occasion a regular customer gave me a really lovely gold necklace - and told IMOM that he had to look after me, as he was a lucky man
  12. Zoonie

    March Chat Part 6

    Well that's a serious workload for one person Kijo. Hope the guest who wasn't breathing is ok What's with the insomniac? Reading not one of his skills? (nor good manners by the sound of it)
  13. Zoonie

    March Chat Part 6

    Aah well, the man who's doing the work is very good, all the difficulties are supply problems, so that's something. The irony is that we only found the guy who's fitting it, through the supplier, and, he's having the exact same problems with another one of his jobs. Poor man, it's throwing his workload (and therefore his earnings) all over the place.
  14. Zoonie

    March Chat Part 6

    Thanks Kijo and if you read back, you'll see some hugs coming your way too lol How are you today? Leo, you just wouldn't believe the chapter of disasters with this bathroom, which is supposed to have been quite a simple job!
  15. Zoonie

    March Chat Part 6

    Have a good day BG, and of course, there're always hugs for Kijo
  16. Zoonie

    March Chat Part 6

    I just need to open some blinds, will be back very shortly.
  17. Zoonie

    March Chat Part 6

    Sorry I had typed a reply, it obviously didn't post. I was asking how you are today BG? and also Kijo? Enquired after Frannie's OH and then saw her FB update - missed last night as we had a bad recurring thunderstorm. I can sympathise with the password thing Leo - I'm terrible at them. PS is under maintenance I see! I'm ok the sun's shining today and we're due to take delivery of the missing bathroom items!
  18. 3 entries in so far, thanks - Roll Up Roll Up for more
  19. Zoonie

    March Chat Part 6

    How beautiful, thank you Tweet Good Morning everyone
  20. Zoonie

    March Chat Part 5

    Hi Rina xxx Go Piglet, get a replacement or refund! I'm going to sign off as the storm's getting really close now, dark, pouring with rain and the lightening is getting bad too. Sorry to leave when you just got here Rina
  21. Zoonie

    March Chat Part 5

    We're getting some claps of thunder, if it gets worse I'll have to disconnect quickly!
  22. Zoonie

    March Chat Part 5

    Oh no! Disaster. Will you be able to repair it somehow once you get home? You'll need a soak to ease your back when you get in.
  23. Zoonie

    March Chat Part 5

    Hiya Pigly - it's really nice that you're back with us. My existing router is a Netgear one - and they're supposed to be good I thought
  24. Find the Eggs! - look really carefully cos some of Zoonie's friends are quite cunning! The prize will be an Easter Egg Collector's Cabinet and a Set of 4 2009 Easter Eggs from the Trees
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