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Everything posted by Zoonie

  1. Ahah! I see FB is a little ahead - they're both April - same day too, the 4th!
  2. Zoonie

    March Chat Part 6

    The same day!! whoot thanks guys
  3. Zoonie

    March Chat Part 6

    Help? Facebook tells me that Piglet and Cogsy have birthdays this week, but I don't know the dates...anyone?
  4. I was missing some birthdays from the list Tiph celebrated her birthday on March 26th and FB tells me we have Piglet and Cogsy coming up this week - will check for dates!
  5. Zoonie

    March Chat Part 6

    Sylvi, not only will it put you off licking, it'll help start to heal the area too (unlike Tabasco, lol)
  6. Zoonie

    March Chat Part 6

    By Army, Kijo, BG, D - did I miss anyone? Probably. The chapped part isn't so bad but the corners of my mouth keep cracking & it's making it kind of a pain 2 eat & I can't stop myself from licking them. I know that makes it worse. lol but I just keep doing it. :nono: lol Kind of lol. And Socks is being mischievous too. I was going to say Vaseline
  7. Zoonie

    March Chat Part 6

    Morning Boogs - Sylvi I don't even know if I do - am way out of touch with what there is in PS now ... so much stuff. My dishwasher man's here - hooray.
  8. Zoonie

    March Chat Part 6

    You ok Army? Oh yes, want to hear all about the weekend. I'll have to have a think and google around, because I'd hate to suggest anything that made things worse. I have a tub of stuff for sore and itchy skin, it's called Baby Bottom Butter and it's (as it sounds) especially for babies. The point is it's organic and made just from olive oil and chamomile to sooth (and it's really cheap) I wonder if you can get anything similar? because if it doesn't help you for this, it's a good thing to have in your bathroom cupboard. I think I have a spring cold on top of my cat allergy - have had a sore throat for a few days, not bad, just annoying lol. The cat allergy isn't helped by still having little Socks to look after - no one seems to want to take him
  9. Zoonie

    March Chat Part 6

    D!!!! sorry am in and out - can't stop sneezing and my left eye and nostril are both streaming - like you wanted to know that!
  10. Zoonie

    March Chat Part 6

    No, not sure at all, but am glad you're back. How awful My YD had an allergic reaction to some medication after she had her accident, and she was nearly driven insane. Is there anything you can find to sooth it?
  11. Zoonie

    March Chat Part 6

    Who's this? a new girl in class? Hi Jamie, glad we fixed it - and welcome back. I can see you Army... I'm going to have to throw the rope around you pair! - and if I disappear suddenly, it's because the long awaited dishwasher engineer's turned up. So, Kijo, a successful weekend?
  12. Zoonie

    March Chat Part 6

    Morning All, am a bit in and out and trying to help Jamie. Sylvi will remove her from C&G now and see what happens. Ask her to add that her posts in any comps (main forum) are test posts or a Mod will tell her she doesn't have enough posts to compete. OK?
  13. Zoonie

    March Chat Part 6

    Morning from a Sleepy Head!
  14. Zoonie

    March Chat Part 6

    Right I had to shake my feathers and get ready, IMOM wants to go out - so, will see you later. Have a nice day x
  15. Zoonie

    March Chat Part 6

    Oh heck, IMOM is playing with Socks, Socks in in Bad Ronald mood! My lambswool duster on a long pole (that I use for dusting cobwebs away from the ceilings) is going to be wrecked!!!
  16. Zoonie

    March Chat Part 6

    I hate to lose the hour - and discovered that some of our appliances don't reset automatically (the phones and my mobile phone) - SO many things to change, and what's the betting I forget some! Exciting to be planning another trip
  17. Zoonie

    March Chat Part 6

    Good thanks. Leo I read back, so I published free seeds to your wall, wondered if you could get in PS that way? Have a good day. How are you BG?
  18. Zoonie

    March Chat Part 6

    Good Morning CeeGeeans - just sat down now with breakfast - am starving!
  19. Zoonie

    March Chat Part 6

    Ok Frannie, that's a plan, see you soon. I'll sign off for now too, and perhaps also start cooking for later (for us not Zoonie, lol)
  20. Zoonie

    March Chat Part 6

    Byee BG, have a good day Army. I'm just doing a few meagre visits.
  21. Zoonie

    March Chat Part 6

    In other news - I hate the store reorganisation, all PS are doing us is getting us to click more and more and more.
  22. Zoonie

    March Chat Part 6

    You're ahead of schedule BG! Well done. Sorry Army, as you know, I'm on a very slow connection here. And, it's gone really, really dark - another storm brewing again, am so sick and tired of our winter this year! I wouldn't make much of a nurse, believe me
  23. Zoonie

    March Chat Part 6

    Sometimes my quote or multi quote wont take Army, but it works if I refresh the page? Lucky me Frannie, have only had to be nursemaid once to Mr Zoonie, when he had an op on his nose, which turned out to be really painful and a long recovery period because of the bleeding (he had polyps removed and some bone removed from inside his nose also - not to change the appearance at all, it was medical not cosmetic) He's an awful patient as he just can't sit still!
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