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Everything posted by Zoonie

  1. I put things in 'safe places' enough said... Have to go and eat now, sorry Byee for now xxx
  2. Marlies, I am much better now after a really bad week, you??? Did I tell you that ED saw Lady Ga Ga last weekend, at the O2 (ex Millennium Dome right by where she lives) She had free tickets through work and she absolutely adored the show - and is more than a little in love with Ga Ga now. I think she's terrific.
  3. LOL of course, any heat source. I use a big and very heavy lavender heat thingy, for my shoulder problem, could do with it now, but too lazy to go and find it Aaaw Piggly, a hug for you x MARLIES!!! *smooch* I tempted you!
  4. and its only $5 Sounds like a bargain to me! We do have Subways, but I've never bought anything from there. We live too rural to buy sandwiches or coffee take out. Football is coming to an end and dinner's not far away, I made pork stroganoff and a mix of whole grain and wild rice 8) Wen, am glad you found your way here, how's life?
  5. Wen! hiya BG - hot water bottle, prescribed for you!
  6. A foot long heated?!!? oh my! I never heard of such a thing
  7. eeeeuw...gross. See yaDawn
  8. Thanks so much for passing that on Piggly BTW do you avoid dairy products? I gather they play havoc with your sinuses, which is a real nuisance for me, seeing as how I really enjoy cheese Do you know for years I wouldn't even answer the door without makeup on, not that I was weird about it or anything, it was just something I did all the time, even when the girls were babies...it's only the last say 4 years that I let my standard slip, but now I feel the urge to sharpen up again, so I am Am seriously scared about engagements, our ED is 26 this year, and if she announces her engagement (has been with her partner 4 years) we'll both be a bit Just found out this week that his mother has taken to calling herself 'mother in law' Evening Z! I took your advice - once again. I had nothing but lemon tea the entire day (no honey though, they didn't have that) Aaagh you must get honey, the lemon is kind of antiseptic but the honey is for soothing - and it has anti bacterial properties too! We have 3D scans here Piglet, and I even read about 4D. I only had one scan, back in the olden days ROFL! and they didn't give you a keepsake - not that I worried over that as I couldn't work out what was what anyway
  9. YES! and NO (well, no more than usual) I'm on a 2010 self improvement plan - getting shiny clean (as opposed to just clean/clean) made up and dressed up makes me feel a bit better, even if it is for a night in Hiya BG Dawn, I commented on your FB page (about the engagement) Hope your neighbour is ok, that sounds scary!
  10. Who's in hospital Dawn? Well, Piggly, I was kind of tarting myself up - looking a bit more presentable than I had all day lol. It's dark here already, and we're watching the footie and despairing of Saturday night TV! Sorry about the sinuses, that's yucky!
  11. Nope I'm around Army, how are you?
  12. Sorry I missed you Piglet, was showering and doing a bit of a preening session lol.
  13. Just for the bonus gift - you keep me on my toes to become more cunning, but apparently it was too hard to attract a lot of entries, even though people like the idea and think it's fun. Just trying to find a middle ground Say perhaps I close it by noon next Thursday, the 11th, as I'm away on Friday and Saturday?
  14. Picture 2 Enjoy :good: PS clicking on the image loads in a new tab or window and may give a clearer view.
  15. OK, to try and get more players here's a much easier Name the Differences game. Please read what you need to do to enter and make sure I keep track of entries. Entries that don't follow the following wont be considered, sorry 1. You are looking for less than 20 changes to picture number 2 2. Every entrant will get a hot drink for their pet, just for playing 3. Entrants who spot the difference which I have pre determined is a tricky one, will get a bakery treat too - *NB to win this, you MUST name the item with it's correct PS item name any entries that say 'thingy' will still count toward the overall title, but not the bonus gift 4. One correct entry, chosen at random will also win one of next week's TWS chosen by Zoonie 5. Send your entry to me by PM only, either here or on FB, and clearly title it NTD CAFE - makes it easier to pick the entries out. Once you've entered, post in this thread that you're playing please, so I don't overlook anyone 6. Ring the differences on picture TWO via the paint programme, OR, if you prefer list them from left to right, and any whole of picture change should be either first or last in your list please *for the purposes of numbering changes if any items swap places directly, this only need count as one change. Pictures to follow Congratulations to Dawny Dawn!
  16. OK guys am off, I've been giving the Name the Difference comp a rest as we had so few entries, will have to give some thought to something easier I reckon, and some new ideas. See ya x
  17. Sorry for the delay, I was waiting for more players and then I've been sick. You win honey - thanks for playing!
  18. No worries about the non reply, just wanted you to have the info. Based on you not liking any of those foods, have you considered you might be low on potassium then? No worries, Frannie you donate EVERY week, so whatever xxx
  19. Oh gosh, just seen on Dawn's status that she's just found out via Facebook that her son and his girlfriend got engaged last night (she says she's pleased as punch) Have to say, dreading the day when our ED gets engaged, dreading it, but feel it coming one day.
  20. Hello lovely, how are you today? Did you see some info I posted yesterday about food stuffs? (I think I cross posted as you left) It's been the same for me for a few weeks, so much stuff it kind of blurs your interest sometimes. Thank goodness it was ok. I sent the torches but signed out of IMOM's account now. I also posted this week's totals in the Registry thread
  21. Zoonie

    C&G Gift Registry

    Please see below for what we have in stock as now - thanks to everyone who's donated and to Wish for doing the list Garden Blue flower box - 900 3 DIY White arch window - 850 2 White cafe door - 1500 1 Pink tile floor - 900 3 Pink cafe wallpaper - 900 3 Blue cafe wallpaper - 900 1 White cafe shelf - 500 2 Pink cafe canopy - 600 1 Sub-total = 6150 Furniture Baguette Basket decor - 350 2 Pink cafe sofa - 1600 2 Pink cafe chair - 850 4 Pet Chef wall sticker - 600 1 Eiffel Tower wall pic - 550 2 Red menu chalkboard - 600 1 Sub-total = 4550 Gadget Cash Register - 800 3 Clothes Pink Polka dot dress - 600 2 Shoes with Pink socks - 200 2 Pink Maid dress - 600 2 Maid shoes - 200 2 Sub-total = 1600 Have sold 2 Olympic Torches to Frannie - paid Updated Sunday morning!
  22. I really haven't been very enthusiastic for new items of late, but next week's look scrummy See you Dawn, enjoy the rest of your weekend. Do you know, I'm ashamed to say I don't have a clue. Just discovered I only bought one Olympic torch myself, thought I'd bought more. Everything we have this week, is on display at Kitty's house, first three rooms, but I just haven't made the time to tally it all up I can't even remember what's new this week, oh, wait, café stuff.
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