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Everything posted by Zoonie

  1. I'm still ploughing through so many boxes, you loons, thank you for all the foods, thanks Frannie, BG, Boogs and Dawn - lots of notes to answer too. Poor Zoonie wont be glad I'm back, he's dressed for Freaky Friday and boy does he look strange today rofl!
  2. I'm going to try and get those other boxes open and maybe do some decorating at Zoonie's it looks so neglected.
  3. I've missed you all too, am just about on the mend now although still not feeling my best. It's been a long time since I had such a bad head, I couldn't even speak properly, it's been very quiet in this house all week. And poor Zoonie still has boxes to open, I think they've been there for days How are you my sweet?
  4. Right, settled down, is there anyone around?
  5. Morning, I see I just arrived a bit too late. Let me get a mug of tea Kijo and come back to you.
  6. Just a quickie again, I can't stop as I have to get ready for an appointment. Still feeling really rough and have dosed myself up on medication. Missing everyone, but have good news from Marisol, she's going away for a few days to visit family - as she's got a new job! hooray
  7. TY sorry for being a wimp. Have only managed to open boxes in Kitty's house and put items in first few rooms, not opened anything at Zoonie's at all. So big thanks for anything sent and know noted.
  8. *Note Sorry I have no idea what's happening, apart from Wish being back. I really do still feel so rough and can only see properly out of one eye, so am not going to stay at the screen. Am also having trouble making the words in my brain translate to speech or typing, so wont make much sense anyway. I f anyone wants to send me a FB message about what's new, please do, and hopefully another nights sleep might get me back tomorrow/ Miss you all x
  9. Just popping in a note to say I'm not sure how much I might be around again today. Yesterday I got the most horrendous migraine, which still hasn't cleared up, so back to bed again for me I think until it feels better. Miss you all xxx PS if anyone comes in and has time to add a list of new items to the G/R I'd be grateful. Zoonie and Kitty have boxes to open says IMOM but he's left them for me to sort out when I can.
  10. Hello and Goodbye for today, am stopping by on my way to bed. Had a very busy day out before 8.30, and am now officially in love with my new hair (again! that's twice in two weeks, lol) Had a lovely day and will be out before 9am tomorrow to head off to the cup final at Wembley - fingers crossed for Villa. Will catch up next week also tell you about my day xxx Night Night
  11. Eeek, still only the two entries, what's wrong with you lot? Wont be around this weekend, but will close the competition soon as I can!
  12. Me too, have been up more hours than should be allowed for one day, and still done nothing useful Gaaaaah! Just to let everyone know, you may not see me over this weekend - but you wont be out of sight, out of mind
  13. Oh and just to demonstrate how rubbish my day was, I ONLY JUST realised I didn't have my new contact lenses in!!! I thought the vision for the TV was pretty rubbish - but at least I know now that there wasn't a malfunction
  14. They say better late than never, not been on line all day ... it's friday the 26th, and it's felt like two Friday the 13ths Anyway am here now if any CeeGeeans are lurking around.
  15. TY - just going to serve now, see you tomorrow probably?
  16. Bolognaise made earlier this week - served with linguine, and a green salad on the side
  17. Apoogies got phone call after phone call and now need to cook! Haven't even done any PS visits today yet :girl_witch:
  18. Absolutely Kijo, and we need a link for your in depth Petling thread!
  19. Of course, yes, I understand, but you stress too much over it, you either need to do it, and accept that she's the way she is (you wont be able to change her) Needing 'mollycoddling' (that's what we call it when you always have to be behind someone, checking them) OR, you say, this is too much stress for me, and bow out. Otherwise you just make it far more of an issue for yourself than it should be. From the outside looking in, and from what I've learnt over the years, that's my take on it anyway. (BTW, completely aside, grammatically, you lend something TO someone or borrow FROM them e.g. if someone lends me something, or, if I borrow something from someone. May I borrow your... Would you like to borrow my ... I could lend you my ...) I was brought up to always return swiftly, anything I'd borrowed - or not expect to be able to borrow anything again. It's a very common mistake, even with native speakers, so no offence meant by the way - just trying to help, hope that's OK?
  20. Well, that's a trade off between how much you want to help and how irritated you get. If you help her, you have to do it because you want to do it, not to feel good about yourself, but then resent the help you give her, if you see what I mean?
  21. BG, next time, don't let her borrow your stuff - and if she says why - the reason's clear. Here I can renew my books online, even if on request - but for just a week rather than the usual time frame.
  22. No, I don't take it that way, constructive criticism, that's good! I might try one more, but make it less daunting. Oh yes, nice, they are cute.
  23. No worries BG, school work must come first! Don't worry Frannie. Do you think I make them too hard then? I thought I had to keep up to the standard of the Scavenger Hunt (which I find too hard) - maybe more people would do it if it were easier?
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