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Everything posted by Zoonie

  1. I'll have to look that up on the map, it's a massive state and I don't know whereabouts that is. It's really hard to leave friends and relocate, we've done it so many times, and if you just go with it, you'll be fine and soon get used to it. Keep us posted. R played, and was quite a toughie, especially as he's not very big physically - very fiery and competitive, even though he's really mild mannered in every day life. I think goalies have a totally different temperament, they need to keep calm, cool and collected (with an emphasis on the collecting lol) Frannie, to be fair, I am way out of the loop with the Registry, who's around and who's not, I keep asking people to let me know if they need stuff, but there's really no communication except for us few in here. So, I'll send two over (I think there were 3 although am not sure)
  2. Hmmm, it could be the diabetes or just hormones hun! I can't have certain tones in my colours anymore because of my skin tone changes during menopause. I had mine highlighted last week, much lighter now, it's been getting darker and darker and more red coming out, so I can't have golden tones, they go too orange. I'm very pleased with it. I just go with the flow when they change PS, on the basis nothing I say will affect it lol. The picture seems much brighter now? I don't like having to go to the village to go home, but I haven't looked around the village at all yet. I'm not up to speed and fully functioning of brain I did like knowing who was active though, as I often drop off gifts for players at lower levels, even if I don't really know or chat with them - not much point doing that if there're inactive players still on your list
  3. Hiya honey, it's been ages and ages really. I didn't know you were moving, quite a change - best of luck. Which part of Queensland are you going to look at?
  4. Thanks Frannie, yes, better thank you. Did you sort out your Olympic Torch? sorry I had it at the back of my mind, but when I get a migraine, I can't even talk properly let alone think straight. Anyway, it was still lurking around in the cerebral filing cabinet *blush*
  5. A friend of ours who IMOM used to work with (we nickname him Scooby) has two grown sons, one of them plays in his local league and Scooby is the club secretary. They're playing in a cup final tomorrow too. Anyway, talking of players being sent off, Scooby's involved in a league disciplinary and a criminal case, as in a match a few weeks ago, this opposition player actually head butted one of Scooby's team, caused one hell of a gash and injury. The player's been banned for 6 months and is also being prosecuted by the police. Apparently the bloke's as nice as pie off the field, but when he plays he turns into a complete and raging nut case!!!
  6. Morning (just about made it) - sorry was on the phone twice, over an hour to our ED, which was a lovely catch up and then my friend called too. I just made ham and cheese omelettes, they were yummy. HOW EXCITING! Congrats Dawn, it must have been SO nerve-wracking for you and yet proud at the end I'm not familiar with them either Frannie, but no worries Go for it Frannie, a change is as good as a rest! OMG I was telling IMOM about Dawn's son and he just told me a shocking story about local league footie, will tell you in a sec. How are you Paige?
  7. I have to go and attend to the stove, sorry everyone. Especially nice to see you Mindy, my love to Elvira, when you speak to her. Everyone else | see normally anyway, see you later x
  8. what? do we need to sell off any stuff in the chest?
  9. Wish, sorry, I am out of the loop and have no idea - everything received is on display though, in the first two or three rooms at Kitty's house, sorry, am just not functioning this week. I'm not even sure Piglet, I think I just reached a point where I coast along and go with the flow, love or hate it (I was missing in action all week) Am trying to cook dinner, and dash back to read and post.
  10. Come over to the new thread now Piglet
  11. Mindy, hiya babe, how are you? I read somewhere to clear your cache.cookies and all that. HTH
  12. Wish, no problem, a plan is always well researched! Ladies, I have prepared a new thread for your delight, do feel free to wander over when the fancy takes you
  13. All Welcome to C&G - Chat away for all you're worth, and gift as you can!
  14. Frustrating for you Piglet *hugs* We went to NYC once but didn't go the zoo though, so don't know what it's like. Forgive me, I can't recall whereabouts you live, sorry. Anyway, that sounds an exciting school trip. Are you ok for PS items, or need anything from the Registry? (you can send a note to Kitty) Thanks again for last week's donation.
  15. Wish - the point is, that the hotplates are solid hotplates just like AGA, but that you don't get the heat leak into the kitchen, and, you have far more 'controlability' plus a grill - i.e. you can set the temperature, rather than just using the metal tray to regulate the ovens. I'll certainly report back, but, if you have an interest can link you to a couple of forums which you could have a good read through.
  16. Well, yes, that would be scary BG, but, just an isolated incident - gas is actually a very 'controllable' flame for cooking on the hob. Wish - did you read about our bathroom? STILL not completed! Piggly, have you logged in and seen the changes to PS (and got your 3000 coins bonus?)
  17. PIGLET!!!!!!!!!! It's me, Wish and BG at the moment. How are you? WHERE are you? are you connected at home yet? how's the boy?
  18. aaaw bless you BG. Gas is my favourite actually, it's 20 years since I had a gas hob and I still miss it. Wish, I really resented the fuel gobbling element of the Aga, and their attitude (arrogant) but at least this one doesn't throw out heat like crazy (our kitchen is at the back of the house and is wide (3 windows and a double patio door - 3 south, and 1 window west facing) Perhaps you could sell your Aga, get rid of the conventional, and get an Everhot (if they live up to the promise)
  19. Sadly only away the one night Wish - we have the Lads, you know! Yes, will get the 100 with an extra lid, in black, if impressed - not that I've been thinking about it too much or anything *whistles innocently* We have no mains gas, and our cooker isn't on an outside wall, so what with the variation in the cost of oil all the time, plus needing to store it, an Aga is just an definite no for us. This seems like a great solution, AND has a grill - plus I can use our old Aga kettle lol, and we have no electric toaster atm, having returned ours last weekend. It looks great doesn't it? and with the ECO button, should be about the same cost really, or not a lot more than the electric oven that we already have (and hate)
  20. BG this wont excite you at all, sorry. http://www.everhot.co.uk/100_features.php Advance notice - I will be away all of next Friday and Saturday. On Friday we're going to the Cotswolds to where they make those ranges - to a cookery demonstration day, followed by a 'romantic' night away in an old coaching inn, in a 4 poster room Edit: how bloody annoying Wish, gaaah I hate when people aren't good at their jobs.
  21. I did buy some stuff this morning Wish and Novia sent Zoonie the clothes (am a bit vague about what's in the shops to be honest) Not heard at all from Starla, I honestly thought she was on here. Once I get myself sorted back to normal, will check her out. Oooh and Wish I have some, potentially exciting news (for me anyway) hold on, top us up please.
  22. When you are watching your paw points add for washing those flies away, don’t be too surprised if they appear lower than normal, as the display for these has been changed! It may be a little confusing at first, but each level the paw points number goes back to zero and counts up to the amount needed to reach the next level. For example, if you were a Level 43 pet with 337,300 paw points previously, your pet will now show as a Level 43 pet with 5,300 paw points towards the next level (as 332,000 paw points were those required to reach Level 43). confused.dot.com Bad migraines really affect my ability to think and process information.
  23. You are indeed the very best hostess with the mostest! Forget that, when I logged on no ones' levels were showing, now they are, go figure. Not sure about the numbers on the health and food bars or whatever they are now? (red and green ones) I need to read up some more. Wish you are very kind, don't worry - have just had a sneak peek at next week and am going to get visiting and saving for then, that emerald green stuff is taking my fancy and the country things and garden items. IMOM did some logging in and about 10 visits, but he's not as thorough as moi, obviously!
  24. OK, so on here now, we all have to change our Paw Levels on here
  25. It does feel a long time! I updated Dawn this morning, on Page 92 this morning if you fancy a long read
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