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Everything posted by Zoonie

  1. Okies. I get an email notifying me when anyone applies, so no problem. Aaaw sorry Boogs. It's nice to be missed though. How are you and all the family? how's your MIL doing lately?
  2. Is that a call out for me? Morning playmates (and night night Tanya)
  3. Zoonie

    C&G Gift Registry

    Thanks all will put some totals in later, Kitty's front room is heaving!
  4. Yaaaaay the return of the doctor!!! Love it! Boogs donated a black bar last week as a prize, and I think it should definitely go to SIB for all that work and creativity - got to be Poster of the Week for sure
  5. I feel weird now - the IMOM and I have been together without a break for 34 years and I'd still marry him again knowing what I know now. He's just rang to say he's got on a train but they might terminate it somewhere or another, so I have to go and get ready in case I have to play chauffeur, back later.
  6. We're having a Friday out and then overnight at The Snooty Fox at Tetbury, on their Foxy Friday special offer Have booked one of the four poster rooms that's one, not sure about the other one, anyway I asked for the quieter one. We've been there before when I was pregnant with YD rofl, so a long time ago - but it was lovely in that shabby chic, quintessentially English country style and the food was very good, so am hoping for a similar visit. As we recall the bar was really cosy with a big log fire going, and I read that now they have a massive Great Dane in residence, bless. Tiph, sorry it's over then, but if you can be friends and still share the raising of the boys, it's much better to get on well and go forward that way - good luck to you.
  7. Bee, every cloud has a silver lining my friend (re Mr B's mother) Just got a call from IMOM they're cancelling all the trains on his route again (flooding this time) Seriously, he paid £3,500 for his season ticket and every day is a blooming lottery as to whether he'll get anywhere - if it's not one thing, it's another!
  8. No problem Tiph. I can send you some of the Aussie stuff tomorrow, I just thought it would all be overwhelming in one go - beynd that I have to look back and see what you missed? or you can leave me a note. Is it prying too much to say 'unofficially single?' that sounds a bit drastic, hope you're ok.
  9. We had lovely weather all day on Saturday, a bright and sunny day, if just a tad chilly, but we wrapped up so it was no problem. We stayed around Borough I'm afraid as we had a very long lunch with 2 bottles of wine (there were 4 of us mind) then we shopped and then we went back to the same place and had two coffees each while we chatted and caught up with each others' news (these are the friends we spent NYE with) Then they had to go and reclaim their car before it ran into the excess of £15 an hour! Yesterday though it rained and was vile all day, much the same as today. I just booked a romantic night away for me and the IMOM next month
  10. Ok the hunger's caught up with me, so I nipped back to spend my lunch break with you guys. Hiya Bee, how was the weekend? We were at Borough on Saturday and it was absolutely heaving with people!
  11. Tiph am sending you TWS items, going to do it in stages until you catch up Sent piles of stuff through Tiph. Will look at other themes tomorrow. I have to go and do a bit of work right now, will check back later x
  12. I never nap, it's the lure of my new duvet and bed linen rofl! and, it's so grim outside
  13. First off I was late up, about half seven, and have had a couple of mugs of coffee - inbetween times I was just multi tasking all over the place. I realised I was really hungry, so just had a big bowl of porridge Oooh I had thought I might have a lie down for a while this morning too, but hey ho, the day's flying by. See you later Must tell you guys, had a message from Marisol - she wants me to say Hi to everyone and that she's missing us. She's got a lot going on in her life and think she's a bit down, which she doesn't want to bring over into a forum - anyone who has her on their list could send a Hello if they think about it
  14. Hi Frannie, I took one look and ran away! (same as usual then, only even faster) Just getting something to eat, it's already noon and not had anything yet.
  15. Missed you too Tiph, bear with me, back in two shakes.
  16. A lot of people don't like change. Some people just move on, change jobs, change routine, whatever - and no longer have the habit. We had the rope around you though
  17. Welcome back Tiph Now, are you friends with my OH? I can't remember, oops, because I can send you the stuff you've been missing on TWS How are you? No, I get you. I can only assume that some people have a passing thought about joining and then don't sit and look at what there is - but not everyone uses forums in the same way I guess, and it can be confusing for some. Anyway, I found her, she was number 28 of the new members since 7.30pm last night! Have gone through all of the February new members (7 pages of them) and no one called Michelle (real name) has joined this board at all.
  18. I found Wen, she joined last night, so I added her
  19. To add you without applying I have to know that you've joined and what forum name you chose. I sent Wen the direct link, we put the link in the news letter with instructions and I also put the info on CeeGeeans & Friends - so to be honest, I'm finding it really hard to work out why people don't understand? Everytime anyone asks I say Join the PSFC forum Look at the long bar across the top of the forum page, directly underneath the banner pic of pets. See the tab for PSFC Groups and when you click you will see a drop down menu to Join Groups, choose C&G and as soon as I'm here and see your application, I'll let you in. I agree there's a huge amount of text information and pictures etc. on every page, which confuses some people - but I don't know how to say it any clearer than that Boogs
  20. Keeping this one open too for any more entries???
  21. I'm keeping this one open longer, drum up a bit more enthusiasm!
  22. Hiya Pandy, Welcome Boogs, nope no outstanding requests.
  23. Twins! it's my left shoulder I have trouble with too! Biofreeze, if it's available there, and I think it is, doesn't smell too bad, and the smell wears off long before the effect I'll go look, I sent Wen a message as you asked, I usually get an email though when someone wants to join, and I don't have any waiting that I know of. Let me check. I think it's the whole point of being a group Boogie, that I can control who joins and who doesn't. So far I only chucked one person out :spiteful: Remember on PIF when they'd say someone was banned after they caused trouble? but they could never stop them posting there. I don't think this forum attracts those types though.
  24. Saturday was fab Boogs. Yesterday not well and today - must apologise to you, I was in such a rush my messages to your inbox were a bit short, not because I was being curt or anything, just because I was in such a tizz aaaw you are so like me in that! I'll keep my eyes peeled for you. Have you thought about trying anything to rub on your joints/limbs for the soreness? just as a temporary relief until you find out the real cause? We have that Biofreeze here and also stuff like Deep Heat - that should help with some of the soreness
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