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Everything posted by Zoonie

  1. When I was growing up it was all sheets, blankets and bedspreads, but that's not very common place now, most homes have a snuggly duvet I think. See, I get a coffee and wooosh, The Franster magically appears 8) I have both the lads in here with me at the moment because of the weather - keep your fingers crossed that the peace holds!
  2. I imagine it's the country and venue for their wedding Frannie, but that's not one of my questions.
  3. Some pics on this link http://www.guardian.co.uk/sport/gallery/2010/feb/18/winterolympics2010-skiing
  4. It is ouch Boogs, just on the inside lower fleshy part of the right thumb, very sore. WB Kijo, your friend Zoey posted, but I scared her off I think
  5. Just got myself a coffee and put some cream on my weeping blister, it's so yucky, that'll teach me to go out working in the garden.
  6. Not only that but it saps your energy I think - yesterday I was full of get up and go, but today - yuuuugh fancy getting back under the duvet!
  7. Boogs honey, hello - wet here today, are the kids stir crazy yet?
  8. Is that wicked as in fabulous, or wicked like the Queen in Snow White? That question about the Crown Jewellers is just too spooky and when people find out the answer, they'll know why I couldn't believe it either Gill hun, thought you must have had a hand in it Great quiz btw....and Gill, I'm better at it than I thought I would be Good news Dawn It just so turns out that both Wish and I are going to be a bit busy at the end of the week/weekend. I'm out all day on Saturday and some of Sunday, so we need time to get together and sort out the results anyway - a bit of flexibility wont hurt. Just nipping out to check the safe and security arrangements
  9. Oh and just so as you know Zoey, if you'd like to take part in any competitions in the C&G Group, or anywhere on the PSFC board, you need a post total of 20 posts - but...posts in Groups don't count - so you need to venture out on to the Trading Board, or to The Cafe and other sections of the main forum
  10. Welcome Zoey - sorry the delay is me sleeping I'm on GMT which means I do miss some of my friends here. Hope you like the group, Kijo will be back along soon
  11. OK Kijo, I just saw that now, I think I already admitted her.
  12. ♫you shine a light on my life♫ You can all go now
  13. Great news from Lisa, what a trial this has all been for them. Of all the supplements BG, I think you can perhaps rely on fish oils, but yes, I eat a lot of salmon, and mackerel, I love smoked mackerel. Speaking of which have to go and eat, we have smoked haddock tonight, Byeee for now
  14. Oops yes, grabbing stardom Zoonie is up there playing the trumpet (having ignored the instruction not to wear white, oops!) Sorry it's been a bit of an odd day, and my shoulders are achy today for the first time in a while. I took advantage of a much better day, it wasn't too cold and it was sunny, so quite nice for the time of year. I went out gardening, and Socks 'Kaytoed ' me for my trouble, attack-cat! No worries Wish, we know you're here, did you not get my email containing some questions? I really want to go to pilates, I must make more effort to do the stuff I think about.
  15. that was kind of ironic as you were posting about being double jointed *SHOUTS* banner people, banner! Pilates... Now THAT's a good idea!! Oh and I needed to ask you something too, because of your advice with the Arnica... Might be an odd question, but here goes: Is there any supplement you know off that improves the creation (or something) of cartilage? Like... Drinking milk helps you strengthen your bones (because of the calcium) I haven't tried it, but I always think pilates sounds a great idea, for everyone really - in your case especially. I'm not sure about growing cartiledge, but they always say to take fish oil supplements for good joint care, for the lubrication and movement aspects, so I guess that might be a good idea too?
  16. OK brief aside daughter is angry, this is ED btw, as she keeps encontering such incredibly rude people, and that includes her boss and colleagues. I'm trying to school her in the art of keeping her cool and perfecting an air of impervious professionalism - she's still at an age when it doesn't come easy. I think I have an irritating habit of giving advice which is far easier to feel when you're not standing in those shoes > moving on
  17. Oooh before I forget, look at the new banner up above *whistles* Please, not only are hugs good, but I really like them, TY I'm fine, but never turn down a hug (see above lol) and it's a V&T with rocks of ice and a slice of lime, provided by IMOM - who says 'good evening ladies' LOL that's funny ♪ I like the gif BG I think it sounds very positive, so I would take heart. Have you ever thought about pilates BG? Will type about daughter, she was on the phone, but she's gone now, IMOM is cooking and I am going ommmmm on Wish's advice! 8)
  18. I am here I am hungry I am thirsty I still have 2 cats I have one angry daughter and I have been gardening (got weeping blisters to prove it) and ironing - still not finished though and now about you?
  19. Zoonie

    C&G Gift Registry

    No worries Frannie. Hi Dawn, phew glad it's settled down for you, and thank you.
  20. Sometimes I do them ages ahead and keep them on my computer - then when I look back, they fox me too
  21. That question about the Crown Jewellers is just too spooky and when people find out the answer, they'll know why
  22. Fabulous...and even though I broke my own rule by not paying enough attention to the guidelines Zoonie and his trumpet made it on to the banner ~ thank you
  23. My shoulders are hurting, I really need a break from the lap top - be back later
  24. Sorry I don't Frannie. IMOM called and I wandered off upstairs. Such a silly thing, when I cleared out the bathroom about 5 weeks ago, and took his stuff into our ensuite, his comb disappeared. Seriously, one side of the house to the other,a nd we've searched and searched. Anyway, he said, go upstairs, go and look in the guest bathroom - and there's his comb on the side of the washbasin rofl, it had apparently fallen into a basket of laundry waiting to be ironed (I guess that tells you how long the ironing pile has sat around! Eeek, how shameful)
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