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Everything posted by Zoonie

  1. Sorry Frannie, I started my new book this morning http://www.mrwhicher.com/ so I figure I need to get in to it a little more before the sandman comes. Can't do anything with PS although I was in there ok before my connection failed. Oh and did you like my comment Boo, just proving I'm not a grumpy old woman
  2. Hi Frannie, I just got back in time to say goodnight - got booted and had to beat the router, and then had to get the lads in and to bed! Cool siggie Boo and the avatar, way to go girlfriend
  3. Tell you what I drummed in to our girls - I can't tell you what you should and shouldn't do, but what you do need is to have a good sense of self worth and a strong belief in self respect...because if you don't respect yourself, why will anyone else? So, I said, make sure you can look yourself in the mirror every morning and not be ashamed.
  4. Well she would be miming wouldn't she - does anyone actually believe she can sing? As for Cashley, I can't say what I think on here, but we know where his brains reside, and it's all south of the belt region I don't doubt for one second that she, and the likes of Victoria Beckham, Toni Terry et al all know just how many beans make five, but it's an 'arrangement' and so it goes on. I wont be losing any sleep for them, but I'd absolutely hate it if I'd raised daughters who had those kind of standards.
  5. Stupid Lily Allen, perhaps more hyped than Sheryl Kerl (do you guys have Twiitter? there's a hilarious Cheryl Kerl on there) Jay Z totally spoilt Alicia's performance, and he's a shade too slow as well, he could do with a pinch of whatever Dizzee was enjoying 8) Not trying, having a bit of a rest Boo Me too, I was just being nosy watching her lol. JLS really really rile me, gaaaah.
  6. good luck with your appointment BG night night Sorry I fell behind watching The Brits (gaaah can't stand Lily Allen, so rude and SO over rated) I have a soft spot for Ga Ga though, she seems over awed when she speaks and not a little child-like. Also the footie, Stoke beating Man City atm!!! Although Man U are winning, booooo (not you Boo, you know)
  7. aaaw, Lady Ga Ga was all overwhelmed, she is wearing a white version of an Alexander McQueen original that he made for her - it was red originally. Eek Dizzy Racal, should they have let him on stage? (I'm not sure what kind of back stage refreshments he's partaken)* ED met him too, he was djaying on time when her b/f was on a set - she didn't recognise him and said, he'd been ok but his music could be refined a bit ROFL *whatever it was it's not left him with a good look! Florence is a good singer though.
  8. He's just a total *insert word* ED had to spend some time with him at work, his language was foul and he was as moody and petulant as the worst toddler tantrum ever was - also totally obsessed with his brother (this was not too long after they announced the break up) She couldn't stand him. Shame you can't watch and comment along with us. Boo! Boogs!!! :hugs@ Lady Gaga cancelled the planned performance and did that one as a tribute to Lee McQueen (of Alexander McQueen corp) who took his own life last week - apparently they were friends. OH and I are arguing over her, he thinks she's a total weirdo and rubbish...I say at least she sings live, and I think it's a big marketing job and she could be bigger than Madonna (long term) I can't believe the cut of her leotards though JLS is the act that gets me *speechless over the absolute tripe that people will pay for*
  9. The debate about black and white not being colours is as old as the hills, but if they weren't transferable, where would that leave newsprint? There's that very old joke, Q. 'what's black and white and red all over?' A. A newspaper! 8) The Brits is a music awards show. Transmitted live, but with a 5 minute delay (because they never quite know what artists might say) Already Liam Gallagher Fd and blinded his way through an 'acceptance speech' threw the microphone into the audience and followed that with the award to Oasis for the best album (since the Brits started 30 years ago) Guess he wasn't all that impressed, which makes you wonder why he bothered to attend
  10. I'd notified Admin about that Wish, but as it's on a picture and not just text, it has to wait until it can be redone. Lea corrected the typo in the C&G box at the left of the site though LOL the moot point crops up a lot in English debate BG See, I think gold is more widely accepted as a variation of the yellow through to orange colour scale, than silver is accepted as a shiny variation on a white-grey theme...I suppose because gold doesn't necessarily have to shine, whereas a dull silver morphs into pewter Am watching The Brits, my god it's dire so far, really dire!
  11. It's a moot point (do you know this? it means debatable) whether one could say that silver is a colour or not. Essentially not, as it's an element and you can't properly recreate it, That said - if I tell you I had a silver dress or a silver bag (I don't btw) you'd be able to visualise what I meant, wouldn't you? So - why is 'gold' quite routinely accepted as a colour?
  12. I could discuss the nuances of 'cream' and 'beige' for a long, long time rofl. The girl side of our family major in the artistic/humanities and have a little extra oomph on the genes for colour and pedantry viz a viz spelling and grammar. Although my sloppy on line typing wouldn't always make you aware of that. I don't mind typing y'all or dunno etc. though as it can sound too po faced to type all the time to people who never hear you speak or gesture, Ih8 txt spk tho
  13. She does believe me, I'd be running right towards you, not hiding :lovebox: I like earthy colours rather than brights BG. AND, it's our mission to make sure you talk/understand real English-English and not that American English your wife *thinks* is English :chaplin:
  14. Oh pooped is kind of when you sink into a chair and sigh, kick off your shoes and close your eyes - you know? mmmm dusky pink has a grey/lilac/brown-beige tone to it, it's not a bright colour or girly colour at all, it's subtle and subdued, not attention grabbing. Hiya Gill,,,,,are you avoiding me (kidding - we just seem to miss each other a lot of times in the past few days !) Why so tired ? I don't know why so tired, a little run down maybe? I keep feeling it's been such a long winter Or, of course, it could be all the running around avoiding you is sapping my energy :37:
  15. Whoops I guess y'all wanted to see what I'd changed? The fishing rod was there, just sooo hard to see and the bowl of apples in the basket, although most people figured that out. The other tricky one was the substitution of an iced drink for the red toffee apple
  16. Roll Up! Roll Up - it shouldn't be beyond anyone, get into the romantic spirit
  17. I'm having a sit down before dinner. Am a bit pooped.
  18. Right I'm going to find a jacket and tackle what I need to do outside, otherwise it's going to be dark. Will probably get a hot shower after that and come back later. See you guys x
  19. aaw thanks Bee. I'm cold. I just made myself a cafetierre of coffee and some warm milk. I usually just drink instant while I'm in on my own - no idea why, habit I suppose. This is nice. When I've had it though, I have to go and do some chores outside Brrrrr. For me the whole massacre thing calls into question just how easy it is for people to get hold of guns, and for them to be in the wrong hands. That covers the gang culture too
  20. No problem BG. ((Bee)) don't get caught! Do you mean Amish, Boogs? the people who try and live simply and without mechanical aids?
  21. H-E-L-L-O I'm shouting out a welcome
  22. We've suffered in the UK too http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dunblane_massacre and only 4 months later there was an attack at a nursery school in Blakenhall, West Midlands - that was an assailant with a machete. The list on Wiki is astounding, had no idea how many there'd been http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_school-related_attacks
  23. You do know you could freeze them? *whistles* BG, what events and countries have you looked at so far?
  24. 5 pancakes Boogie!!! rofl, you loon.
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