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Everything posted by Zoonie

  1. Why not? Hi Frannie, how are you today?
  2. Yeah, so he should Bee. Hi BG, I didn't realise it would be that late.
  3. There was no rush, silly, and thank you for the gift too Bee if you should want me to keep my eyes open for you, or ask around ( I can ask ED and her b/f if they hear of anything ) just drop a note to my FB inbox, and I could text you if I hear of anything.
  4. Bad luck. How about doing your own flatseekers' Ad? - then we negotiate. I wonder how BG is going to be getting on today? she has an appointment with her RA specialist, not sure of the time though.
  5. Have you looked on here http://www.moveflat.com/cgi-bin/dbr.asp
  6. I know...but I do 8) and mention of it usually makes Frannie appear! Yes, best stay cool about it - but at least it sounds a lot more hopeful this time. Which sites are you looking on Bee?
  7. How did it go? I have chores to do but was waiting for you
  8. Hello Bee, how are you today? a bit better day...the birds were singing when I got up, think that's the first time this year!
  9. Zoonie

    goodbye... :(

    Gaiamaiden, check with us in C&G too - Tweet's been a lovely and active member of the group, so I'll put her name down at our Gift Registry Tweet, we will miss you, but this is important. Good luck with your school work
  10. I didn't, you kept it quiet At least searching the chest is easier than it used to be. See you tomorrow Tanya, I've caught up on my lists now.
  11. Zoonie

    C&G Gift Registry

    Monday 15th February - Quite a Mix of Items The numbers at the front of the item are how many received, the figure in brackets is the coin cost. Clothes Shop 2 Luxurious Pirate Hat (2000) 3 Kung Fu Tops (350) and Trousers (150) 2 Kung Fu Shoes (100) 2 Spaceman Helmet(500) 2 Spaceman Jacket (300) and Trousers (200) 2 Spaceman Shoes (100) Food Store 5 Pirates' Punch (250) Furniture Store 3 Pink Alien Space Craft (850) 3 Cute Floaty Ghosts (900) * space craft and ghosts in the chest until the glitch is fixed! 2 Jupiter Wall Sticker (450) 2 Pink Bicycle (1800) 2 Pirate Canon (900) 2 Pancake Pan (200) Luxury Store 4 Black Bar Counter(2000) + 1 for a prize from The Diva, Wishfairy, Bogie, Dawnbrans, Chupacabra, Novia and Zoonie
  12. I am going googly eyed searching out all the Valentine goods in Kitty's chest - PS went crazy!
  13. See you in a while Kijo. Yay Sushi
  14. Do you know, for the first time in ages, am thinking of loads of things I could be doing around the house AND feeling inclined to actually DO some of them Right now am going to go to IMOM's account and update the Gift Registry... so that's where I'll be for a while.
  15. OH phoned sorry. Kijo, stay positive and make sure you remember this is just a stage to get through - it WILL all be easier when spring comes and you get into your swing
  16. Hey Boogs - this morning was the first morning I heard the birds singing when I woke up - yeeeeee. Trapping cats is tricky Tanya, hah, I'm telling YOU that sounds like you have way toooooo many round there.
  17. I didn't realise she was particularly unwell although I'd noticed she wasn't around so much, I just thought it was because of the Olympics and the time difference between us. How are you doing?
  18. I made this one with you in mind Tanya Fiendish is my middle name :balls:
  19. Welcome Furbie, glad you found your way here - of course I remember you
  20. Nice work Tanya, and I got your message, thanks...glad you like the comps
  21. Yeeee Haaaaa! (just seen a list of spoilers) ♫no you'll never win, no you'll never win - you'll just end up cryin'♫ How's everyone? I just missed Sharon...
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