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Everything posted by Zoonie

  1. Sorry was on the phone to my mother - phew got a stiff V&T to reward myself! We share a virtual drink BG *cheers* Hope the cat's ok, Socks sneezes sometimes, but not in a worrying way - maybe he's as allergic to me as I am to him ROFL! That's why I posted all those diary dates, firstly you know if I'm not around, but secondly to remind myself how much is coming up and going to be fun! That IS ironic, and the doubly annoying fact that although you pay an accountant, ultimately YOU carry the can if the returns are late! Our accountant used to be red hot (and cheap) which is why we've kept him on even though he's the other side of the country. That said he hasn't replied to my last couple of emails. hmmm. I guess it might work for a decorator to travel and just work a week and stop over, then go home at the weekend. I'd consider that if our Liverpool guys were still in touch, they were brilliant. Maybe I'm out of touch with prices - does your man have a day rate, or a guide price you could work out? I need good prep and then just painting, and we could buy all the materials. Trouble is round here, I think they roll up and see a big house and then get greedy *sigh*
  2. Thanks Wish, kind of you, but it's a wee bit far I think. OH is fuming, as he says if he did business like this he'd be out of a job. At least I'm at home during the day, if I'd booked time off work I'd be gunning for someone for sure! Never been to Prague, so I'm afraid I don't know, have you looked on Trip Advisor?
  3. 1) A snooze in the park is better than a run in the park any day, hey bros? 2) When they said a 'packed lunch' I didn't know they'd pack me in it 3) The original blow dry 'because I'm worth it'
  4. It's annoying because we ordered and paid in such good time, and it's annoying to have disruption in the house for so long - it should only have taken 2-2½ weeks to do the two jobs (plus decorating) and it's annoying that it inconveniences our builder who's a really nice chap. However, I keep reminding myself that we have other bathrooms, so we're not that inconvenienced in the scheme of things, and that if we lived in Haiti, we'd really know what inconvenience was (and then some!) Anyway, to brighter things - at the weekend we're going up to Borough Market to meet friends and have lunch. Might venture out to Bluewater on Sunday, and Tuesday I have an appointment for a very long overdue eye test - hopefully I'll get some lenses again, it's been too long without and I could do with a nice snazzy pair of specs as a standby, as mine are way out of date. I looked in to the Ortho K lenses but took advice that they probably wouldn't be right for me, so now I've sorted that one out, I feel a bit more energised to get sorted. Oh and then the next Saturday I'm having my hair highlighted, and the Sunday after, the 28th, is the day we go to Wembley for the football final! Busy week ahead. Tonight I'm going to have a sofa chav-fest and watch the Ch4 documentary about Gypsy/Traveller Weddings, OMG some of the photos are just astounding!!!
  5. Zoonie's favourite role to play is pirate, infact he's Cap'n Gismo's First Mate Both the Cap'n and Zoonie has sailed over to the mainland to search out a well stocked Tavern for an evening's raucous entertainment...meanwhile back at the Cove, woe betide anyone who approaches the hidden haul!
  6. BG, well done, that's excellent. At least you only have one area that needs special attention, and you also have time to focus on that too - congratulations.
  7. It was a bit of bleurgh day and I'm not at all happy that I had to chase our bathroom suppliers yet again, and although the builder had put off his next job to come here on Monday, the supplier is now saying they wont have the goods until Wednesday - it could well mean that we don't get finished until the week after next! (I say finished, I still haven't found a decorator as yet, but IMOM is sidetracked and thinking should we buy a new bed for our guest room!) Oh and it's been both cold and very, very wet today too. How about you? How's work going? That was so lovely
  8. Evening! So, BG what's this news? Oh and thank you so much again for the lovely gift x
  9. Boogs, you'll have to get your leotard and legwarmers on and arrange an exercise class for the kids, a la Mr Motivator I'm going to make lunch, see you later x
  10. Well, that didn't work very well, so am now nursing a mug of hot tea.
  11. I'm just going to do a little washing up, simply to get my hands warmer!!
  12. I think it must be a bit different in the UK as universities all have open days in the version faculties and should also be quite clear about their projected and historic exit opportunities for graduates. In our family, our elder daughter was clear on what she wanted to do right from when she was a small child. She studied fashion at the UK's only dedicated art university in London. This gained her good experience and internships within the industry after she graduated, but it's true to say that the right job that's going to make you happy is a bit elusive, and at the moment she's in a press-related PR type job, still in fashion though. Our other daughter is very intelligent, but not much of a student and she wasn't too hard working. We stopped her further education as we just knew it would be years of hanging out in the student bar! She had a series of dead end type jobs, but was talent scouted and is now working in the banking industry, attending courses and doing exams through a different route. So I'd ask if it's possibly for you to contact other students who've been following courses that you think might interest you? see what the reality of those courses is, rather than just the written information out there. Don't be put off working hard to get to the right course for you, rather than just taking any course for the sake of attending University. It seems so imperative to decide quickly at the moment, but remember, it's for all your life ahead.
  13. If I'm wrong Wish will correct it later when she's around
  14. See you Frannie, I have some 'moisturising socks' on, over a layer of foot balm, lol - still got cold toes!
  15. Peace reigns then Boogs Bye Dawn. I'm still cold and I have the heating on
  16. Eeek, totally lost my connection. Brolly is a colloquial term for umbrella Frannie Did the thread as an Announcement, but could change to a sticky. You could do a separate newsletter thread too Kijo.
  17. Very annoying Dawn. Amazing how many times the workmen/service providers don't take a woman's word I was just alterating the links thread Kijo, but the CeeGeean link isn't posting properly, will keep tweaking it! Should I make it a sticky thread?
  18. While I remember, as well as Tiph, we have Tweet down for Gift Registry - her grades weren't as good as they could be and her parents aren't letting her on line for a couple of weeks until they feel she's concentrating more on her work.
  19. It's great, lovely to see Zoonie and Big B together - love across the other side of the world, and the great Merseyside football divide too lol. And you wont be hearing protests from Boubie this time rofl.
  20. I love our bed, it's this one ^ that's not our actual one though, I air the bed with the linen thrown back for a couple of hours, and then make it all neatly so it looks inviting later :pinkjello: The one we had before is in ED's room at the moment, it's an original Victorian cast iron and brass one (with a new mattress of course, eeek) and is so high you almost get vertigo lying down
  21. PS when our friends S & B come to stay I make their bed with a mattress and pillow protectors, bottom sheet, pillowcases, top sheet, duvet and then a wool blanket folded across the end of the bed, which S always uses, as she really gets cold
  22. I saw the group pic very briefly, will comment on it, it's so sweet, so I would definitely mention it on the newsletter. We've also been promised with a return to C&G of the infamous and entertaining Doctor Cabra, but more than that I don't know yet ... I think too many people are missing right now for the Poster of the Week comp just yet, although I hope it gets a little busier and we bring it back, so for now I'd just mention the competitions - still time to enter the Kind Hearts. Also if anyone has any kind of comps they'd like to see, they should speak up LOL yes, we have sheets. Usually fitted sheets over the mattress and either a top sheet, or people just wash the duvet cover. FYI our bed has 3' wide pillows with quilted pillow protectors, then a pillowcase (Oxford Style, which means they have a fabric border around the edges as opposed to Housewife style, which is plain) The mattress has a quilted mattress topper on , then a bottom sheet, the duvet cover matches the sheet and pillowcases and is just plain Egyptian cotton, and on top of that during the day is a velvet and silk bedspread with some matching cushions. R pulls that over his side of the bed too at night, but I don't need that much warmth [/British Bed Linen Info mode]
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