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tipsy mipsy

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Everything posted by tipsy mipsy

  1. hi toulhose , how are you ? hi , i am marie , we havent met before , x boo nice to see you again feels like ages as i havent been around a lot lately x
  2. i hope you can get into work bee , but i think if it gets really bad everyone will be in the same boat and noone will be going anywhere , it really is best to stay as safe as possible temps tomorrow they say could be as low as minus 6 and with the wind they think we may get a wind chill factor of minus 12 -15
  3. thats a must i think bee , i hope it doesnt get too bad my parents are in kenya at the moment and due to fly home monday , although i can think of worse places to be stuck x
  4. zonie do you need the swan ? wuzzy has a spare if you do x
  5. we topped up on our gas credit to day , just to be sure and i put a couple of pints of milk in freezer for little one incase we cant get out ,
  6. hi zoonie , i am glad you got home safely , the weather is suposed to get worse , so please be carefull everyone x
  7. christmas was good thank you , how was yours , are you able to get on chat , it may be easier to talk that way x
  8. happy new year to you too am now sending bee a little pressie x
  9. thank you frannie nice to see you again x x
  10. me niether trying to get to grips with this first
  11. i have tried several times to find you and gave up and the times i did manage there was no one on so i think its a bit of both
  12. i feel better than i have in a long while at the half way mark now (20 weeks) and yes its a boy
  13. thanks frannie , no i didnt come in on that page have saved it as a favorite now x
  14. yes frannie its meeee, x x did you have a good chtistmas and new year , i had a really hard job finding you , i cant get used to this forum x
  15. hello everyone , boy did i have a hard job finding yo guys x
  16. just dropping by to wish everyone a very happy new year , love and hugs to you all x x x x
  17. i am going to go , head is pounding again , will try to be online tonight x x x
  18. its taking some getting used to what is the reputaion thing and pawpounds
  19. it was there but just disappeared have ticked the box so lets see if it appears this time
  20. my signature has disappeared , eek its still on profile but not showing up
  21. i know that feeling i love to cook and invent new things but just dont have much time to do it
  22. sounds good bee but i dont like currys , pasta i love though
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