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tipsy mipsy

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Everything posted by tipsy mipsy

  1. i am here too , but feeling a bit lost !!!!! Hi Marie!! It gets easier!! it is a bit diffferent, but It is beginning to feel like home! Any questions, please ask. The mods are lurking around all the time and are very friendly.. it seems that every time i come on no one is here , , i am slowly getting used to it x ,
  2. i am here too , but feeling a bit lost !!!!!
  3. thats what happened to me , thats why i thought i had scared everyone off lol x
  4. have i frightened everyone away ? x
  5. i have to go will try tomorrow x x x take care all x x
  6. pmsl , i would love a very large drink myself , but unfortunatly i will have ti wait untill may !!!!! so have one for me please x
  7. it was a friend , when we were drunk one night , x
  8. i am still here , although not for long now ,
  9. just popped on , to see if anyone is about x
  10. i have to go for a while , might be back later , if not , take care everyone and stay warm x x x x
  11. oh , no , hope she is ok x x x x I'm on slow long way to recovery - at least now I can get throuhg a day without crying so that makes it bit easier. I wouldn't be able to do it without C&G support and kind words - everyone here has been so wonderful bee we all love you x x x hugs hugs x x x
  12. boooooooooooooooogie x x x x x x x x x x
  13. my dear twin x x x hugs i have a 2010 hat spare to send to bee if she still needs it , i am so glad you got home safe , i havent been out other than to my neighbours
  14. hi , toulhouse , zoonie bee is at home safe and warm boss let her go at 3pm and she got home at 5pm ,
  15. zoonie i havent , i will give her a text , then i will let you know
  16. hi , i am very well thank you , except from a bit cold !!! how are you ?
  17. i have seen that all the airports are shut , etc on the news , we have ahad a few flakes but really just a sprinkl;ing , at the moment its just very cold and icy
  18. we have not had too much here at the moment although they are expecting us to get upto 6 inches tonight
  19. hi pinky , hi zoonie , yes i have plenty of padding out front to keep me warm , how were your journeys today?
  20. hello everyone , how are you all ,
  21. i have to go , so i will catch you all later , please try to stay safe and warm x x x
  22. WOW how are you hun? long time no see it was great/manic!! how about you how was yours? manic as well and noisy !!!!!! took little one 3 days to open her pressies , i was busy with christmas and not feeling great , this is the best i have felt in weeks , so i am making the most of it x
  23. boogie how are you , how was your christmas x
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