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tipsy mipsy

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Everything posted by tipsy mipsy

  1. i am not doing very well at the cooking , i keep forgetting to go back to it and poor wuzzy has burnt things to eat x :Oops:
  2. the lemon and honey sounds good , would you mind sending some my way ? its a good job we dont have webcams i dont look very attractive right now , i have pieces of tissue stuffed up my nose as its like a tap , and is getting sore from all the wiping ,
  3. hello twin lovely to see you here [/quote] took a while for me to get on had a few problems but at last here i am x
  4. christmas was good , thank you just have the rotten cold that seems to be doing the rounds at the moment , how was your xmas
  5. i guess everyones busy , have a good one everyone x x
  6. hi everyone , finaly i can get into our new home , wishing you all a very happy christmas x x x x x
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