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Everything posted by BooBear

  1. Ooooh Zoonie! That's the next book on my reading list - I have it ready and waiting. I loved it! We all know that we are neither old nor grumpy - just experienced and wise! And willing to share our experience and wisdom with whoever wants to listen.
  2. If I ever get in Boogs I'll let you know if it arrives. Thank you!
  3. Hi Frannie! Thanks! Tanya made them for me. Figured Boo could support the team! Thanks hon. Will keep trying!
  4. Nope! Still not working for me. I'm obviously too far north for whatever they have fixed to travel this far yet!
  5. Thanks Boogs - Tanya is jolly clever.
  6. Has it changed now? Did my avie too so they should both be the new ones. Woo hoo!!! I obviously had the siggy in the wrong place! Doh!!!
  7. Darn it Boogs - is it still not working? I wonder why I can see it but you can't. Let me have another fiddle!
  8. Heehee!! I'm sat here chuckling at us providing moral lessons for the rest of the world to follow! I know exactly what those batty women would say.... look at the lifestyle I have, it's worth it for that. Hmmm - not me! I'd rather be poor and happy than rich and miserable. Although if anyone wants to have a go at making me rich, I reckon I could be rich AND happy too!
  9. Sound advice Zoonie. Seems like a few more young ladies these days could benefit from that advice too. (Oh no, I'm starting to sound old!)
  10. Thank goodness for that. I always think it's just me and that they are picking on me!
  11. Me too! Getting absoloutely nothing but that stupid white screen. Thought it was just me!
  12. I think my mum would flatten him if she ever thought that G was going to be like that, never mind what I would do!
  13. Well said Zoons! I have no sympathy for any of them. They knew what they were getting and if they are prepared to put up with that for the rest of their lives then good luck to them. I jsut don't really want to heat about it every five minutes, especially the likes of Mrs Beckham and Mrs Cole who seem to me to be from the same mould, no talent, in the grips of some good stylists and extremely over hyped! Nicely put too Boogs. I just hope we can bring up our boys to have a better attitude that those idiots too.
  14. She drives me mad! I can't bear watching her. Took a sneaky peek and as on X Factor it would appear she was miming again. Her husband has been up to no good from the start and frankly he's a footballer, they're all paid too much money and have too many opportunities and then are surprised when they don't get away with it. One of my mum's favourite phrases comes to mind, "You've made your bed, you have to lie in it!" She knew what she was getting when she married him. Can't exactly be a shock to her!
  15. I know Zoons! Sorry - just refusing to watch the Brits for the moment as Cheryl Cole is on and I believe her to be one of the least talented people I have ever seen.
  16. Boogs! That's just typical - it's always when you want to see something that they wake up! Bloomin' PS won't let me back in. Anyone else having problems?
  17. Goodnight Toulouse. Take care. Hope to see you soon.
  18. Thanks Boogs! I can now see what a horrific wig Lily Allen is wearing! Uhm... good question My little nephew loved to hang out with me when he was little. He's a teen now and I don't see him anymore
  19. Phew! Good night Wish - sleep well. FB message sent with dates! Ooooh nice!!! (take me with you hahaha) Anyone welcome to join in! How are you with moody teenagers and primary scool aged boys!? Waving to Zoonie too! Thanks for the Brit updates! Can't watch and be here at the same time.
  20. It's been a while since I was here! I do pop in from time to time but I seem to miss everyone. I'm good thanks. Looking forward to a break at Disneyland Paris soon. Yay! Hope K has learned her lesson! No more mountaineering!
  21. Hi boo hows your day been? Hello lovely friend. Good thanks apart from the work bit! You?
  22. Hello lovely! How are you? hee hee Bogie - how are you? WB Boo When shall we meet ??? Just got back on again after eating and getting G to bed. Going to send you an FB message with dates.
  23. Sorry folks - got to dash. Family are home. Will be back later.
  24. Awww Frannie! How nice would that be?
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