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Everything posted by BooBear

  1. Oh and another thing - I didn't get my 3,000 coins! I don't think the ranks have changed but I will have to check out the forum and see how many paw points are now between each level.
  2. Having to go in and out of everywhere is a pain, I agree. They need to bring back the one click option for moving around. I do like the chest though, but you are right they need to add some more categories. I would like to be able to sort my own chest out. Give me tabs that I can name and allow me to move stuff around so I know where it all is. The problem with the paw points though is that after the last change if I cleaned a dirty pet and brushed them I was getting about 70-80 paw points each time. Now the most paw points you can get for cleaning the dirtiest pet is 4! Not worth brushing them as it doesn't change anything. That's the bit that's upsetting me more than anything. I am level 44 now and if the most I can get from any visit it 9 paw points (5 for the visit & 4 for cleaning a really dirty pet) then I am never going to make it to 47.
  3. Oh hon. I hope that both you and Mom start to feel better very very soon. I'm good thanks. Just carrying on. I don't get to chat very often these days and I miss everyone too. I think you can add reputation to a post - I think I just bumped yours up to 3. On the posts you should see a + - on the right hand side. IF you click them it tells you that you have cast a vote and I think that's how th reputation increases. What do you think of the changes in PS? I am really brassed off - I was well on my way to reaching level 47 but now it's going to take me forever again/ So sad.
  4. Gismooooooooo!!!!! How are you? So nice to see you. Awww - thanks/Kijo made the avie and Tanya made the siggy - very clever ladies.
  5. Anyone home? Popping in to say hi. for everyone.
  6. OK - that's me gone too. Take care and hope to catch up with you all soon.
  7. I don't mind at all hon. Sweet dreams. See you soon.
  8. Pleasure hon. Glad to help. Bless her. We'll be gentle and try to make things easy for her.
  9. Much better at the weekend when you are both relaxed and have time to concentrate on it.
  10. Hmmm. I can understand why you would be upset with her, but people have to take responsibility for their work - it's not up to you to do it for them. I find Google translate really useful too sometimes!! Oh! If you are in PS get Snorks to check her door.
  11. No problem hon! I'm Ok thanks. Nothing exciting to report. Don't blame you for being annoyed at people for not turning up at class and tehn expecting you to hand over your notes. If it's a one off then that wouldn't be so bad but if it's a regular occurance then that's more than a bit cheeky. Aww bless her. I bet she'd enjoy it if she joined in especially if you were with her for a while.
  12. Hi Toulouse. Thanks for that - just not keen on random requests with no note. How are you today?
  13. Hello! How is everyone? Anyone know a Cindy Hamp Sutherland? I have a random FR with no note but she is friends with a few of you guys.
  14. I was just about to say the same to you too! Sweet dreams me lovely twin. See you very soon.
  15. Nope! Keep looking but it seems to have died down a bit. Every time I think I might put it up, there seem to be at least another 4 or 5 for sale at the same time, so I figure I'd be better of waiting!
  16. Yay for us super safe traders! Now I just need to sell my 1 extra fox.
  17. Our oven is just bobbins! It takes ages to cook anything. See we really are twins! Woo hooo!!!!! Excellent news - well done.
  18. Thanks hon. Not nearly as good as yours sounded! Chicken pie, roasties and broccoli. Have you had you safe trader application sorted yet?
  19. I'm back for a few -nighty night Toulouse. Sleep well hon. xxxx
  20. Going to grab something to eat - will be back in a bit. Save a space for me.
  21. Ahhhh - RA - I thought that the other day while you were finding things for her but I didn't want to ask as sometimes people don't want to talk about it do they. You definitely need to find the right combination of meds to take and I know that can take a while. Hope she gets some relief soon.
  22. Don't feel guilty hon. You work really hard so you deserve some time off if you are not feeling well.
  23. Grrrrrr! Sending bad vibes her way and hoping she suddenly becomes a nicer person overnight. For goodness sake H is only in reception what on earth damage is 10 days out going to do him. Oooooh - that sounds lovely! Mmmmmmmm! Is kijo OK? Has she been diagnosed with arthiritis - from what you were saying the other day it seems like that might be what she has. Hope she is OK.
  24. Take care of yourself hon - make sure you stay warm and well. It's nice to be able to have a lazy day.
  25. Good thanks Toulouse - sounds like you have had a lovely day. Sorry you're not feeling so good though.
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