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Everything posted by BooBear

  1. Oh blimey -it sounds like you could do with a good rest tonight hon. That's a long time to be sat in one place.
  2. Awww bless! Probably best not to go and lurk where he will be living - if they have any sense they will be keeping him in for a few days while he gets used to them and their home. I know when we moved we kept our cat in for a week or so and then followed the advice from the lady who looked after her for us when we were away, spread the cat litter (obviously not the contents!) around the edge of the garden so she had her own scent to find to come back. Have to say it worked - she never disappeared! Good old Boogs - she thinks of everything. Sounds like good plans to me hon! Hee hee! Get the kids to do all the moving while you stand a say "A little to the left, no, no, back to the right!" I have had friends here today with their kids - been lovely, the kids all played really well together. Will go and see Grandma at my Mum & Dad's tomorrow. She hasn't been well, bless her and I haven't been allowed to see her (norovirus). But she seems to be clear of it now and I'm looking forward to seeing her. Then Easter Sunday at sister in laws. Other than that not much planned. Toulouse - I am good thanks. Have you been busy today?
  3. Hi Zoonie! Hope you are well. Sorry to read about Socks departure but it sounds like you have found him a good home. I am sure that he will be very happy. Anything good planned for the weekend? Edited - Sorry Toulouse, I missed you there! How are you today hon.
  4. BooBear

    March Chat Part 7

    I am sure that you will do well. Well, I think I will go and do a fewmore visits and then go to bed! Catch up with you soon Toulouse. Take care.
  5. BooBear

    March Chat Part 7

    What a pain hon! But I have every confidence in you that you will pass your exams and not have to worry about taking books with you or re-sitting them. You'll just be able to enjoy yourself.
  6. BooBear

    March Chat Part 7

    Good night Boogs. Hope he settles soon.
  7. BooBear

    March Chat Part 7

    Glad you have been able to relax a little - at least it's not long now till you get a proper break. A trip to bf's sounds like a good idea so you can really relax for a couple of days. Have you decided what to do about your America trip yet?
  8. BooBear

    March Chat Part 7

    Oh Toulouse! I didn't mean you did nothing - I know how hard you work. I just meant that there was no pressure to be anywhere at a certina time for things, you could take you time and suit yourself. Sorry hon. Boogs - I see! I have no comment to make! This is a public forum and I don't want to upset anyone!
  9. BooBear

    March Chat Part 7

    Ooooh! I know how you feel Toulouse! And it's not because you don't enjoy it, it's just nice not having anything to do!
  10. BooBear

    March Chat Part 7

    Oh Boogs! Hope they stay asleep now mate. We usually end up eating late too! Such a pain. Is OH home yet?
  11. BooBear

    March Chat Part 7

    Certainly is! Sorry, I am in and out doing some visits.
  12. BooBear

    March Chat Part 7

    Thanks hon! I like that film! It'd just nice sometimes to watch something that you don't have to think about.
  13. BooBear

    March Chat Part 7

    Sorry all - just saying good night to the OH! It's 8.25pm here and he is due in work at 4am so he's off to bed. Toulouse that ice cream looks fab! Hope it hasn't melted too much! See you soon Armell.
  14. BooBear

    March Chat Part 7

    Me please Toulouse! Although if you could keep it for me till I've done with thie chilli that would be great!
  15. BooBear

    March Chat Part 7

    Sounds good Armell! OH made chilli for tea and it's a bit spicier than normal!
  16. BooBear

    March Chat Part 7

    Oh blimey! It must be me!!! No sooner do I say hello to someone and they disappear! See you soon Armell. Take care.
  17. BooBear

    March Chat Part 7

    Hi again Armell! Anything good in the lunch box today? Might give that a go Boogs although IE always seems like a nightmare for me!
  18. BooBear

    March Chat Part 7

    Thanks Boogs - glad it's not just me.
  19. BooBear

    March Chat Part 7

    Thanks Boogs! Group from me too! My PC seems to be really laggy at the moment, I don't know what's wrong - it's taking ages to refresh these pages.
  20. BooBear

    March Chat Part 7

    See you soon Frannie.
  21. BooBear

    March Chat Part 7

    Yup - year end! Don'tcha just love it!!!! Fortunately it's not all down to me. I am but a cog in a very large machine! Still a nightmare though! Armell, it's lovely to see you too. How's things?
  22. BooBear

    March Chat Part 7

    Hi Toulouse! Hi Zoonie! Aww, bless. You have found Socks a new home then?
  23. BooBear

    March Chat Part 7

    Boogs - my week is ,uch better now, finished work till next Tuesday! Yay! Only down side is when I go back it's all the year end reporting and sales to sort out so it's going to be hell! How are you? Frannie - how are you and yours doing? Armell, hope you are well too.
  24. BooBear

    March Chat Part 7

    Hello All. How's things?
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