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Everything posted by BooBear

  1. BooBear

    March Chat Part 4

    We had a fab time thanks Toulouse. Little one didn't want to meet any of the characters except for Woody and Jessie from Toy Story. I think they were a bit too big for him to cope with. But he loved all the rides and stuff, especially the roller coasters!
  2. BooBear

    March Chat Part 4

    Zoonie - if you are here I am about to publish Hideeni. Go, go, go!!!
  3. BooBear

    March Chat Part 4

    I know! I have been away for nearly a week so I think I have missed everyone posting them all! Thank you Leo. I just got one from Mr Zoonie but it was a red one. I'm good thanks hon. You sound like you have been busy. We got back from our trip to Disneyland Paris on Friday and have all been trying to recover since then.
  4. BooBear

    March Chat Part 4

    Thanks Zoonie! Will do. Tanya & Toulouse - how are you both?
  5. BooBear

    March Chat Part 4

    Hello again! OH reading to the little one so I am back. I am still missing: Yellow Emerald Turquoise Blue Rainbow Mosaic Gold Any help much appreciated.
  6. BooBear

    March Chat Part 4

    Aww thank you - but all been claimed already! I'll have to be quicker! Right, got to sort the little one out for bed. Will be back soon. Hi Tanya - will be back soon.
  7. BooBear

    March Chat Part 4

    Hi! Woo hoo! Thank you - I don't seem to be having much luck with him at the moment. I do indeed. I hate those sort of jobs, the ones you don't really want to do. But it's always the same - the thought of doing them is always worse than the reality! However, I am a firm believer in "Never do today what you can put off till tomorrow!" I am a real last minute Lizzy - alway have been.
  8. BooBear

    March Chat Part 4

    Yay! Thanks Zoonie - I'm still publishing every time I see him too. Will keep a check on your profile. Hope you are all having a nice Sunday.
  9. BooBear

    March Chat Part 4

    Hello! Will be in and out - time to get the little one ready for bed. Hope you are all OK. Hideeni on my profile if anyone needs him. Please let me know if you are still publishing as I seem to be very short of eggs.
  10. BooBear

    March Chat Part 4

    Well - dashing off again now - going to check the fridge and see what the OH needs to go and get for breakfast! See you later Zoonie - have a good day.
  11. BooBear

    March Chat Part 4

    Awww bless! The only one he met happily on his own was Jessie from Toy Story - strolled stright up to her and had a photo taken. We only met 2 others because he wouldn't go anywhere near them - I held him while we met Goofy and then Woody and Jessie again from Toy Story. His face is shoved into my shoulder on both of those photos! Must confess I am not a fan of big rides but I can cope with the tea cups too! We all went on one called Big Thunder Mountain - not a really big one as G could go on it but we took Mum and Dad on it too. They were not too impressed but G & my 2 nephews thought it was fab!
  12. BooBear

    March Chat Part 4

    Mmmmm! Sounds good! He loved it! He's a speed freak so anything that spins him round and round is always good. Not so keen on meeting the characters that but I suppose they can look a bit intimidating when you're little. The parades and everything were really good, clean, tidy and so pleasant a place to be. Hotel was lovely too - based on a New York theme so lots of 1920's & jazz decor.
  13. BooBear

    March Chat Part 4

    Hi Zoonie! Hope you are well. We're back home now - had a brill time and you have really made me hungry with that picture - think the OH might be getting sent to the shops soon!
  14. BooBear

    March Chat Part 4

    Hellooooo!!! Morning anyone who is here. Hope everyone is well. Mickey and Minnie say "Bonjour" to all.
  15. BooBear

    March Chat Part III

    Hi Tanya! Hope you are OK.
  16. BooBear

    March Chat Part III

    Little hello from me. I am in and out at the moment but just wanted to say "Hi"
  17. Dropped in to say hello! Hope everyone is well. Take care and hope to catch up soon.
  18. I'm so sorry to leave you Gismo but I am soooo tired. I have been up since 5.20am this morning and it is now 12.40am! So lovely to chat to you. Hope you feel better soon. Take good care and hope to catch up with you soon.
  19. Ahhhh very true. I didn't think about that. The Active thing was very useful for that too.
  20. Sorry Gismo - I meant someone had been very quick picking up your bonus coins that you pusblished to your wall. Why are you searching for particular friends to visit?
  21. It seems to be relatively quiet in here most evenings. Not sure what it's like during the day as I don't get on then. Gismo will look cute with a shamrock. Blimey - someone was quick off the mark picking that up.
  22. I always knew he was a sensible boy. Maybe I will turn BooBear green for St Patricks Day.
  23. I think it's March 17th? Somewhere around there anyway. Green is my son's favourite colour too!
  24. No problem. And I have to retract my statement about no coins - they arrived on the change over to the new day.
  25. Look at my posts - you won't see it on your own as you can't give yourself rep. I think it looks like this: + _ but over the other side!
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