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Everything posted by BooBear

  1. Morning all. I get to visit while OH (who has only just got up) and the little one build things.
  2. Dropping in to say Hi! Hope to see you soon.
  3. Nighty night hon. See you tomorrow.
  4. Not tonight hon - there seem to be a few of them around and I am too tired to start it now. Maybe tomorrow!
  5. Doh!! That's really not the idea. Sleep well lovely. I may see you in the trade forum.
  6. Okey dokey hon. Feeling a little jaded myself now. I will say good night and then neither of us will keep each other going! Sweet dreams lovely Boogs, me twin. See you soon. xxx
  7. Ahhh!! True enough! Hoe daft am I? You need to get you on there too - get those threads found and put in the application.
  8. I've seen! I think that's why I'm scared!
  9. Aww bless her! Tell her to add me too if she needs more friends to visit. It is addictive isn't it? Trading still scares me but I quite like it! Trying to pluck up the courage to sell my only spare foxy!
  10. Ooooooh! I am just mooching in a trading forum too! Your friend Michelle is selling the last of her CC's I see.
  11. Sorry Boogs - 2 phone calls after tea and I can't chat on the phone and chat here too!
  12. Sorry ladies - just running off to eat. Will be back in a few.
  13. Hmmm! I might just settle for a nice glass of wine too - thanks! Have you been busy today?
  14. No problem hon. Sorry - everything is really lagging for me tonight. It's taking ages to refresh and add my posts. Don't put it on too tight Boogs! See you in a while.
  15. Heehee! They did a play of the enormous turnip in school. We always have 2 stories - Charlie and Lola ones tonight - he loves them at the moment.
  16. Hello hon! I'm good thanks - you? Oh blimey Boogs - is it time for the gaffer tape to make them stay in bed? My day? Marvellous thanks! Had to go to work and then should have known better than letting G play on the Wii after eating. He didn't want to stop so kicked off when it was time for the bath. I was ignoring the tantrum but fortunately for him, Daddy came home and he got to tell him how mean Mummy was and how he didn't want to speak to me again! You'll never guess who his choice was to read with him before bed though!
  17. Popping in to say hello! Will have to go and eat soon but will come back later. How is everyone?
  18. Dropped by to say hello. Hope everyone is OK. Will try to catch you all soon.
  19. Well G was in the small room - now the computer room where I am sat chatting. Big enough for bed and furniture, chair etc but not for all the toys as well. It made send to move him into the bigger room and let him have his toys in there. I have to say we still have toys just about everywhere - as he picks them up and brings them to whereever we are to play! Just means more picking up now! I would love to have a toy room and that it another good reason for moving, we may be able to get that if we can sell here! No ore viewings as yet but no rush!
  20. No confirmation on the Safe Trader yet - still waiting. Had to open up my friends list (I had the privacy settings high so only friends could see them) but only did that this evening so probably need to wait a while longer. Have you done yours yet? Didn't take too long - I just wanted to make sure that I got ones where we all confirmed received and sent as that is what a lot of people seemed to be failing on. That and multiple accounts! :eek:
  21. See - I know I'm telling you something you already know but one of my ex-bosses used to tell me never to be afraid to state the obvious as it was usually the obvious that everyone forgets about. Ahh bless him! He has it by default. We bought it to put in the bedroom when it was the spare bedroom and we decided to sell. Needed to have a bed in there and it's a big room so double bed - ideal in case anyone came to stay also. Not sold the house, got sick all ALL of G's toys being in my dining room (through lounge and dining room so couldn't hide them!) so moved him from the small bedroom to the bigger bedroom but can't get rid of the bed as it is brand new.
  22. See - even when I get my keyboard to work I still can't type!! Of course she will wake up and be cold later. If your heating is on at the moment I'd be tempted to leave her with the blanket for now and when it goes off throw the quilt back over her. G is still a terrible wriggler. He has a double bed (long story :rolleyes:) and I often find him either lying across it or head facing the foot of the bed on top of the quilt! Until the heating goes off I tend to leave him as it is warm enough in his room. Sorry to hear Zoonie is not well. If you're reading hon, feel better soon.
  23. Grrrr! Kids! Mine took forever to go to sleep tonight but I have to say he is usually pretty good once he is asleep. Oooh - the poster sounds good! She's a good one isn't she. Have you seen Zoonie at all?
  24. "Allllllll by myselfffffff! Don't wanna be, allllllll by myself anymore!"
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