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Everything posted by inu-kijo

  1. omg this is so cute!!! go to youtube and put this in after it /watch?v=z3U0udLH974&feature=related
  2. I sent you some, hopefully it was what you needed. ; D 4 minurtes and I have to run. need to leave on time today,.
  3. well there will always be others in the futuire that I can help with this morning is going to be a busy morning. the hotel is full to the rim, and lots with 5:00 wake up call.s..... so that should be fun. : / inked my drawing, and started colouring it... I think it will work out nicely.Think I just had too many pencil lines on there. or maybe the colour is helping.....
  4. Sweet! i was just going to tell you that Field of dreams is on right now, and ask you how taht went. the stamp thing wasnt too hard, but I cheated. : D Just downloaded a border form online and skewed it and the colour to my liking, then erased the background. I didnt feel like making on from scratch. : / ooh lots of contest, how fun! : D Always available for reference help if ya need it! : D
  5. Well if you need more room you can leave Joki out. : D 1000 Wide... thats a nice little workspace. If I had my mac I could look up my old files and tell you in a second. but as of right now I can only guess. ;lol: I was just letting you know I stole the stamp idea.... I was in the middle of making it, and was like... hmm, this would look cute with a stamp border!! : D
  6. No, not drawing cupids yet, that will come after this picture. ; D
  7. Ummm Not really sure to be quite honest.... I keep the canvas size around the same ration as a room, because its easier to work with the background. although the pet picture is always going to be a higher quality than the background. and as for how many? I guess it depends on how many submit a picture. That... probably doesnt help you, does it?? Oh I used your stamp picture the other day as well, for a holiday message picture, I sent it to Gill, but never heard from her, I wonder if she got it....
  8. Yay!!!! : D I just finished a sketch and was working on inking it on.... Not sure how I feel about it. I hope it gets better after I colour it.
  9. Nioght Night armell! I hope things start to pick up for you and your friend very soon!
  10. Well I am facebook, if you wanna vent. One good turn deserves antoher. Do I need to come take care of you?? : D
  11. : / Trying to draw something cute... and he keeps coming out Surly looking....
  12. Awww that is very sweet of you armell to be looking out for your friend, hopefully the sleep meds will do her some good. you dont need to threaten to come get me, Tanya does that enough. are you alright Tanya?? I dont think its a very good year for Christmas. I think I just had like a mini anxiety attack, cause Wal-Mart was so crowded. I guiess it was more than I could handle today.
  13. I was wondering that too, but I am only taking VIcodens, and I have taken those like a million times before. So I didnt know what to do. I dont think I ate all day.... so It could have been just that. : / I'm not too good at taking care of myself. Hahaha. But right now I am feeling ok. Took some Bayer to get me through the night, instead of the stronger stuff.
  14. Dont worry I keep getting kicked out too. : /
  15. WB armell. I do wear it alot. It just hinders me at work. Besides they said I could take it off for a bit during the day to give my leg a rest. They gave me a thing of vicodin. was hoping for some naproxin, but got none. : C I dunno... i think I just got overwhelmed today. Went to Wal-mart to go do some shopping, and I guess I was feeling so physically sick, I kind of lost it a bit. By the time I got home, i couldn't stop crying, then threw up for a while. Took a shower and went to bed. Felt better when I woke up. But it was rough there for a couple of hours. Why was your weekend just ok??
  16. You sure there is nothing else you would put to the top of your list??
  17. Awww, since it looks like you are gonna split it, you should let me know what you want! : D Funner to get things you want
  18. Umm, well, I hurts when I wear it, and when I first wake up its painful to move, but I can walk right now without limping.... so that is a vast improvement. So hopefully in a week or so the swelling will stop and I can start to get back to normal. I had a pretty awful day... oh wait, it was today. I forgot cause I took a nap before work, so it seems like yesterday.
  19. Sorry for the late hunt again Yarden, will have it up tomorrow, promise!!!! (gosh I miss my computer so much!!) Can you do me a fav though? Send me a list of all the dolls in the picture, in the order that you want them. that way when I split them up between the winners I can use the list. ; D
  20. Whoot!!! you should see me with my leg thing on... very sad looking... like an cat with a leg cast. : C good to see you are feeling better how was your weekend?
  21. Sorry, the hotel got really busy. : / Anyways, Apparently I sprained my knee really bad.... which is better than having bursitis in it!!!\ But, They have me in a knee imobilizer, which is this... leg brace? With metal rods in it that goes from the top of my thigh and goes down to my shin..... very uncomfortable. : C I'm supposed to wear it for like 4 weeks or so. SO HARD to get up the stairs with that thing on!!! I took it off when i came to work though.
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