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Posts posted by inu-kijo

  1. No dont have off any time this weekend cause i got last weekend off.
    work a double today, evening shift Friday, morning shift Saturday, and double on Sunday.

    am going to go see a movie sometime Saturday though I beleive, so does that count??

  2. lol prolly not. : D

    funny its in its third year and still in beta???

    : /

    Not really a development... when nothing is being developed though.

    I find soem thigns neat still... but msot of the time they end up being CC.

    lately this place should jsut be called PAYfish.

  3. yes there are too many problems, too hard to keep up with, and more and more expensive every week.....

    and it takes all my time.

    although i am glad I played it as I have met many people along the way, I guess I have outgrown it, or jsut plain out cant take it anymore.....

  4. Still around and about, jsut never play anymore, so figured i could give my things to people who could use them

    gave most of it away to a friend who doesnt hav any forum type of friends, and therefor does not have a whole lot of things.

    sure she will be surprised next time she logs on. ; D

  5. Well I havent been playing for months now Z, apart from buying a few outfits here and there, still ahve all my clothes (or most really) but finally jsut got tired of it all, and gave away the last 10 pages of stuff over the last couple of days.

    So thats that.

  6. I recently dyed my hair a darker brown (I am a meduim brownish red colour now...) and it was kind of cool, cause it didnt colour the red tint in my hair, so it was a nice darker medium chocolate brown, but teh red shone through with the light so still looked pretty natural. and I like it. : D

    Want to do it again soon, as the dye has already faded out now.
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