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Posts posted by inu-kijo

  1. Just got back from her place not tooo long ago.
    the weekend was a blast.

    very sad about her cat. luckily we were able to get a hold of him before he wondered off again and how knows what happens.

    i am very very tired though.

  2. Oooh sorry i got sidetracked at work

    Yes I am working today cause I have Sunday and Monday off to goooo tooo floooordia!!! : D

    will be leaving for bfast in a minute but will stop back by afterwards!!!


  3. :LMAO. apparently so. its not set in concrete yet, but because of safety issues the only way she can come down here is if she has a travel buddy.
    : D

    maybe we can work you into the mix somehowtanya apparently has like 50 spare bedrooms......

  4. Sure guys I will work on that later.
    Will send a copy with and without my recycled papered background.
    and Frannie if you areinterested in getting the rest as I finish them, would be more than glad to send those as it comes.
    or even mail you a hard copy. : D

    not sure if you guys know, but tanya nad I are planningt o steal BG when she comes to the states.
    we decided tongiht that we are gonna have matching shirts, so gonna work on that later. : D

  5. 40 minutes.
    then off to pick up my baby.
    home for a lil sleep
    one more shift
    then off to see Tan Tan

    Frannie I really hope you find the camera.... most of the time when you are at the brink of flying off the handle it has a way of showing back up.
    : D

  6. Laughing why sure you could Frannie.
    but you would allow me to provide you witha better quality wouldn't you? (thses are taken on my phone.
    gill you would more than free to aopy as well, for sentimental reason if you wished. : D
    2 more to come in that series,, but all i have done so far. : D

    glad you guys like em.

  7. OMG. that story has made me cried......
    I am so happy for you Sylvi!!!!

    But angels are out there everywhere, just when you think there is no hope, they come and grant you life again!!!

  8. the pic is hard to see, but its like a maroon colour. : D

    thanks, I think they are cute!

    the box was a photo storage contatiner... that was just solid white, i got it at micheals for a dollar. the make your own mug as well. so 2 dollars worth of awesomeness there.

    Jsut got the box to ship stuff in, but thought it would be cool to decorate, and now I really like them! ♥️
    figured i would share.

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