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Posts posted by inu-kijo

  1. wow cheap./.... luckily I can get most of my prescrips generic. which means $4 bucks each.
    only 2 I have to really cash in for.

    so anywhere from 100-150 on meds each month...... not counting Dr's bills and what not...

    i need a medical plan or soemthing....

  2. maybe a silvery grey or a fruity pink colour (like some kind of liquor on the rocks??)

    yeah i have to get meds every month, and it racks up quite a bit... my Plaqenil alone is $80.00 a bottle..... and with the car and all..... yesh.

    but i should be pretty caught up after Tuesday. : D

  3. I dunno... might be better off on my head Gill.

    Been out of meds for 2 days now, and cant get anymore until Friday when I get paid. : /
    So Its been..... rough. to put it lightly.

    get to go hoooooooooooooome in 7 frickin minutes though!!!!
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