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Posts posted by inu-kijo

  1. morning Gill. just watch a silly little animated movie... apparently neil Patrick Hariis (doogie Howser and Barney off of How I met your mother ect)
    played a little monkey on there, and all he ever say was STEVE!!!! (which is apparently his name)

    I never got why people get popular actors to play stupid parts.... its a waste really.

  2. Omg... just saw something on TV where workers from a Brewery are boycotting and refusing to work, because they aren't allowed to drink beer while working anymore.... they can still have it during lunch breaks, but not while working.

    they seems to think this is unreasonable.....


  3. Bee... like the potato mix.... instead of waffle mix... I would think its pretty close to the potato pancakes...

    we used to take leftover potatos, and mix it with a bit of flor and milk and what not, til it looked like pancake batter, then toss them on griddle just like a pancake..... makign me crave one of those terribly.....
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