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Posts posted by inu-kijo


    I dont think ive ever been chewed out about my face things before.... most people think they are interesting at most... I smiled and told him I had one through the back side of my neck too!!!

  2. Just wrote a VERY long message to someone i used to be friends with, whom we got into a fight and went our own separate ways...... trying to fix the damage between us.

  3. yeah.... its in season 4 now... not so good anymore... USA kind of falling of tf the wagon with this one... but first couple fo seasons were GREAT!
    If you ever get bored, itas worth looking into. : D

    You can imagine me being Shawn (the main guy)
    : D

  4. /watch?v=LbodxiyYAHw&feature=related
    here it is!!!! sometimes they change the opening title for special episodes, or holidays, but this was my fav... it was a Bollywood episode.

  5. I was quoting lyrics... its ok... takes a bit to get into... the main guy has like.... a highten sense of perception.... notices things that move and what not, and he uses that to pretend to be psychic and works for the police department. its more funny than anything else.
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