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Posts posted by inu-kijo

  1. Laughing its our lil secret!!! hehehe

    I am on episode 6.... still have 3-4 to catch up... and not sure how many left after that.....

    they are making outfits from stuff fromt the hardware sture.

  2. Im sorry your wrist is hurting.... yes I was having strange dreams too....
    Sometimes i wonder if the meds do it (while looking up reactions to Plaqeunil... saw a lot of people posting things about strange dreams as a side affect.)

    could have swore while on the steroid treatment i was hallucinating a few times......

  3. omg... i cant believe they didnt see the twist... I knew they would have to do an adult version of the kid's clothes whent he challenge started, silly designers......

  4. its funny.... sometimes I have a reaction to different brands of chocolate. (most of the time its Cadbury or some weird off brand) but it makes little things appear all over my tongue.
    Nothing bad, i just think its funny cause of all the grief I give my g-ma about chocolate.... (shes allergic and diabetic)
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