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Posts posted by inu-kijo

  1. I t was great Boogs (look a page back for the summary)
    How are you??

    Aww dang BG, thats awful...... well i hope you are able to go anyways..... be a shame if you can't

    I have to leave in just one moment, : C

  2. I know that you are having similar problems with your Dental stuff.

    No I havent, but see, now the thing is that I have a pre-existing condition, and it makes it even harder for me to get any coverage when they know that I am going to be a liability.....

    and tell me about the scripts..... wouldnt be some bad if I didn't have 10 or so of them

  3. No Gill, I am only dealing with this until I can get off work, and get to the ER. PC told me to leave work already....... and I am NOT dealing with this on my own.... I deal with enough day to day with out this fresh new Hell lain upon me.

  4. Jamie hun, I am so sorry for you.... I cannot imagine going through 4 years of this torture.......
    after this med that I am apparently not going to be taking anymore, they are switching me over to what BG is currently taking... MEtha something another..... I really hope that can help me.....

    i have no insurance, and have been going to a clinic that is a low income place..... but it still put a giant dent in my pocket every month, especially with all the meds they have me on.

  5. So Tan Tan came down this weekend to visit me, for those who did not know.
    : D

    She told me she would get here around 5..... well after getting off work I had to run a bunch of errands, and clean the house, got back around 3 and decided to take a nap, and wait for her to call..... wake up suddenly and its 7PM!!!!! my phone had went out of service, and i missed her call!!!!
    she left 2 voicemails, but no number, and i couldn't find it!!! Luckily we ended up getting a hold of each other, and she made it safely to my house.
    we ended up going out to a scottish pub, and we tried scottish eggs, which were not terrible, and meat pies, which i DID NOT like. also got a wonderful shepard's Pie, and a lovely brownie for dessert.
    went home and played weird card games practically all night, and went to bed around 5 am??

    Got up the next day, and went shopping all day, we got books and clothes, and lots of neat things!! It was fun riding around together, but I think it ended up tuckering me out a bit. after we got home, i cooked Mexican chicken, some spanish flavoured rice, and guacamole for dinner, and it was super yummy!!!!

    While we ate, i put on season 1 of Big Bang, and let Tanya watch it with me.... apparently she loved it, cause next thing i know I wake up and she is on episode 9!!! (told you I was tired... passed out right there!!)

    then this morning we made a quick stop at the flea market, before heading home and packing up, wasn't feeling too great today, and it wasn't the best of weather. She dropped me off at work, and that was pretty much our weekend.

    i just hope she had a great time while she was here.

  6. Marvin, i really didn't do anything to help Jamie get back here, but glad she is back!!!!

    BG they told me when they gave me it, it would take 6 weeks to get into my system, and I looked up the medicine and the reactions to it, and its almost identical.... and I called Poison Control..... Ill just have to tough it out.... but they are popping up more frequently, and they are so painful

    Jamie, I have been diagnosed with RA for about 3 months now, and I have had all the horror stories there are I believe, and they still havent found anything that really helps me..... I hope your is under control. because this is literally Hell.

  7. Oh sorry for those who just walked in..... I am having an allergic reaction to my meds...... but it keeps spreading, and they are so painful.... and now they are on my face!
    Its always something it seems.

    Weekend was grand though. so at least I have that.

  8. no it says something about all ehr pages are white... sometimes it does that for me too, and i have to keep refreshing til it comes back..... I wonder if she can try a different browser???
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