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Posts posted by inu-kijo

  1. Night Mindy!!!

    watching new season of United States of Tara right now.

    its about a lady with mutiple personality disorder.

    She has a 16 year old one, a man, and a 50s style house wife.

  2. went okay. they said it wasnt the med... but it was an allergic reaction.

    gave me a lot of pills tehre. feel great today, even RA has improved with whatever they gave me,a dn I wnat more!!!!

  3. I am feeeling soooo much better today Mindy! even the RA is under control right now! its fantastic!

    How are you today mindy.

    Tanya, you dont ahve to do all that. I will pick them up as soon as i can, just have to get a ride to somewhere where they sell them, tahts all.

  4. nope. pretty easy ride. took about 15 minutes going a regular pace.

    bike needs a few adjustments for me, will be taken care of tomorrow. but actually had a bit of fun.
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