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Posts posted by inu-kijo

  1. not sure til I step out the door..... yeah i was wondering if it was Jacket appropriate tonight... cause if that is the case, all my jackets are dark coloured as well.... : D

    Ok Mom, calm down, think I will be fine.

    Did find a t-shirt in the back of my closet (that fits me spedendly, btw.) that is really light blue and has a penguin fishing on it, and at the bottom has a broken heart on the line.... its cute.

  3. I just had a small plate of Mex Chix myself. Glad you like it! : D

    I did look it up, and other people had similar reactions..... especially about the scalp.... so again, proceed with caution.

    oh i love TBBT. i told Sophie I got you hooked, lemme send you that link, and when I get to work Ill find you a good link for season 2 as well.

  4. Hahahahaha. Clyde has been following me around all days as well, i think he was getting used to me being home all day.

    they were really nice to be and so was my Dr. so thats good. he did not seem to think it was any of the meds that were making me sick.... but I am skeptical.... so I am just going to be cautious.

    If I start another breakout, I am not taking it anymore.

    gonna ride the bike to work tonight.... a bit nervous since its night time here..... but I think its all gonna work out.

    did you make Ken laugh with any of of great adventures?

  5. ooooh fun. I like the way both of those places smell.

    It was kind of funny, they asked me if I was on any meds, and I was like yup. and they asked what...... so I pulled out my big magic bag of meds and just handed them all to her.... and she was like geeez!!!
    so she started to walk out so write it all down, and I could hear them in the nurse's station, and the girl was like..... she must stay sick.... like all the time on the meds she's on!!! (its true.....)
    then she came back and asked why I was taking all of it. (especially the Plaquenil---since its for malaria and lupus.....) I told her I have RA and then she made an awful face and apologized..... told me they hope they find a cure.

  6. I went and had some food. sorry. Was hoping you would be back by then.

    Well, they told me I had an allergic reaction..... (der) but no idea to what........

    they gave me some meds, and i am feeling a better, so that is good!!! but man, you should have seen me this morning..... I had them EVERYWHERE, even on my face! they hurt, and burned, and I was miserable. : C

    So since they have no idea..... it must have been you!!!! : O

    How are you tonight hun??

  7. Oh darn I think tat post was meant for me......
    I always forget to send updates.....

    was hoping Tan Tan might be here, I have an hour before i gots to get ready for work.

  8. Hi Frannie, you are here long enough for me to bid you Farewell.

    This weekend was fab. dunno the last time I had such a swell time... though she tuckered me out good.

    full summary a few pages back if you care to read back.

    got to go.

    lvoe you all!!!!

  9. Awww thanks... but too much really hasn't changed with me.... got second job right next door to same first job, and still living in same place (easier to handle now with 2 jobs)

    Yes, i am hoping other things will fall into place soon..... I need a break.

    I am glad you are finally able to see a bit of the light at the end of the tunnel as well, I was really rooting for you. So hard to get back out there on your own, knowing you have no one to fall back on.

    I am going to have to be heading out soon.
    Wish me the best of luck at the Hospital, and lets hope this isn't a big deal at all...... : S

  10. Oh I see. i was wondering what you had meant, couldn't think of anything you needed to message me about. : D

    the only thing I am really struggling with besides recent car development is getting this RA thing in order..... Hearing that Jamie has been struggling with the same thing for 4 years now does not bode much hope for me...... I really do hope they find something to help me out soon. But luckily i have been having more good days than bad, and the second job is really helping my life to become a lot easier. so that is a plus.

  11. Awww Thnaks Gill. that is so sweet. Tan stayed long enough to take me to work.

    I am hoping maybe just 2 more weeks, and i can afford to have the car worked on..... let us just hope for that I guess.....

  12. maybe.

    I am hoping the ER has a miracle drug for quick relief.... a shot or some miracle marvel of today's medicine......

    Still trying to figure out the ride part.....
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