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Posts posted by inu-kijo

  1. yay!!!!!

    Still not looking forward to working a double, and I have been sending evyone over there tonight... so i am pretty sure i will be busy tomorrow......
    but oh well, thats life!!!

  2. Laughing I could imagine!!!

    I miss having my car....
    I have to always think about having rides for anything... its annoying.
    I need to go pick up my meds, and have to schedule with someone to be able to do that.

  3. yeah my face flushes up afterwards and i always have to have a little "cool down" time. but other than that, its no big deal. i just hate crossing the interstate part.

  4. oh it was fine. a couple of spots I was hesistant about, but nothing that freeked me out or anything.

    tonight on the way to work... it seemed a lot darker than normal.....
    I also wore my hair up in a paige boy hat, so i could wear it down at owrk and not worry about it being all crazy looking.
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