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Posts posted by inu-kijo

  1. omg gin and tonic. hehehehe
    dont like Tonic... but a shot would be nice... or a nice 7&7.... : D
    they are... and as i said before, i am just stressing so much that I wont have enough by just SLGIHTLY to get my car back.... then would have to wait 2 more weeks to get anymore money... and I have yet to paid any other bills this month either!!!!

    No only am I a big complainer, but a worry wart too!
    at least RA is at bay, for now...... (duh duh duuuuuh soundeffect!!!)

    the weather has been soooooooo nice lately... its a shame I never get to see any of it. (well except through windows of despair!!)

  2. I'm feeling okay physically..... stressing out like crazy mentally over car and everything!!! O__O

    been having super bad anxiety, and not sure a good cure or way to deal with it..... wonder what gill's magical remedy for that is??

  3. starting to dread working a double. blek.

    then when i get home i have to stay up for a couple of hours in order to wash the laundry... sleep for like 4 hours, then get ready to go to work again. blah blah blah.

    I hope they aren't sold out next door, though I have a feeling they might be. : C

  4. me toooo. Have a huge stack from where I went book shopping over a month ago!!! But i am enjoy being able to read more. something I have been wanting to be into.

    Sometimes I forget to bring a book, or finish one unexpectedly... and the other girl has books there too..... but she only reads black erotica books..... so sometimes I have to read that stuff to pass the time!!


  5. Oh Dawn, i am so sorry!!!! : C
    you are a silly bean you are!!!!

    BG I am reading a book called Fool by Christopher Moore... read a Vampire love story called..... blood fiends? or something like that not too long ago, and I like his writing style,s o I bought this book by him as well.

  6. It is very stressful... and I over analyze everything.... ugh. I am just hoping that I can make it through this month alive... and then start building up from there again.....
    I'll just be glad when I can have a few bucks that I can just spend without fearing for my life! hahahaha.
    I have gotten quite used to a Diet coke at work everyday.

  7. I just decorated all my rooms with prize sets for the upcoming hunts... cause I get reallty lazy, and hate doing that.... so now I have like 5-6 rooms already set up, just snap a pic and good to go!!!

    Still have way too much Halloween stuff. aggh!!

  8. its not that bad here I guess... but there are different kinds of ticks too... really have to watch out for red ticks, and deer ticks. they carry the major diseases.

    perhaps you did get it from a cat. and yes they are quite disgusting!!!!

    Boogie... they never e-mailed me back. hahahaha. and it was a rather long and heartfelt note as well..... and i never dot hat kind of thing... oh well. he lives in California now anyways.

    I called my car place yesterday to tell them to start fixing my car.... but i am sooooo stressed out about it! I am really hoping I have enough cash to fix it.... I keep adding the numbers up over and over again, and it seems to work on papaer, but never does in real life, and i can't even buy a soda for fear of being short on getting my car back.... then after I get the car...... I still ahve bills! =__=
    accck! whata crazy month this shall be!!!

  9. I grew up in the south.... ticks are normal here I guess..... I think I would be more worried now a days than we used to be... but my brother and I used to pick ticks off the dogs and smash them with a hammer.....
    who knows how many times we may have been bitten by one... if that was the case we would watch the spot, but nothing ever happened... i think that worse thing that we ever got was Ringworms hehehehe/

  10. I think its in the DIY shop now... its all so confusing.... : /

    Winners announced in the Triathlon. Congrats to all winners, and thanks to those who played and helped me out!

    and with that, its time for me to shove off.
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