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Posts posted by inu-kijo

  1. OMG you are too awesome BG. Yeah i dont listen to them anymore... after the joker cards they kind of burned out... but man, can't believe you know them!!! I had a dream with them in it, so figured i would bring it up.

    I used to listen to them when they were still Inner City Posse. : D

    Morning Bee!!!!

  2. just the beginning part reminded me, but yes, the stuff I posted are a bit heavier. : D

    Boogs-- I just posted it... but it sees as if they are not going to have it done til monday....
    I am hoping that its early cause i have a Dr's appointment monday, and If I miss it it will be another month and a half before i will be seen again....

    BG QotD is okay.... the music is by far the best and the Townsend actor who plays Lestat is HOT. but not that good overall..... does the book no justice and doesn't coordinate with the first vampire movie at all (not that its supposed too.... but really??)

    I have to head off to B-fast, see you all in a bit.

  3. yay for BG!!! I am glad its better considering what it was and all. : D

    Was hoping I could get my car back today, but the called yesterday and said it would be at least Monday before it was ready. (dangit!)

    one more weekend of biking and begging for rides??

  4. I was wondering if you knew i meant Fahrenheit. : D
    funny how everything is different.

    remember that book i told you i was reading called Fool?
    well its about a fool in the knight times (the book is actually a parady of Shakespear's King Lear) but its written in like British talk slang, and its so hard to get used to.
    makes me think of Gill.


  5. Laughing I want to take a lazy day too. think they will let me off?? I hope its raiing when I go out....
    just checked the forecast on my mac and its partly cloudy..... 64 degrees.... not too bad... but the high is 80 so prolly not gonna rain.
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