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Posts posted by inu-kijo

  1. sorry, no one has been here... been spending all my time watching a ton of movies.

    and been extremly tired.... having to work extra shifts at EL.... and we have been bopoked at both hotels everynight but easter night.

  2. inu-kijo wrote:
    Frannie... its a Holiday item.

    love the squiggly line description. ; D

    oh btw Gill, I had to run out so quickly yesterday, I wanted to know I was only picking at you with the whole piercing conversation!


    and that wasnt even cryptic.

  3. and see, I would never get my nose or tongue pierced... so everyone has different tastes... I am glad society is more accepting now a days, where a tattoo and such things are "normal" and we aren't really looked down upon for expressing ourselves.

  4. hahahaha. well for me I think its different.... and its better than tattoos because i can always take it out.

    I always get an ad reline rush every time I get one... that is the best thing of it.
    (had one that ran through the back side of my neck... it was great.)

    I dont think the ones i have are gaudy, overboard, or look bad one me... but still , no excuse for ANYONE to tell me off and call me Ugly!!! : C

  5. Awww thanks Gill, that is so sweet!!!
    Its gonna be really close..... will be paying my Rent really late... and still will not have paid power or cable or anything else.... I just hope I can make it through this month.... sad thing is, I know when i go to get my car the gas tank is empty......
    But if I can get through this month, I can start to catch back up with everything..... and will be much better off having a way to get around!!!!

  6. Laughing alright Frannie, what do you want??

    Morning Bee, I am okay... a bit bushed... sad I do not have today off..... but oh well.

    HOPEFULLY a week from Tuesday I will be able to get my car. PLEEEEEEEEEEEASE pray for me and keep giving me positive thoughts over this next week!!!

  7. I saw Frannie was looking for me??

    Gill I sent you the Scavenger Hunt entries for the Triathalon whenever you get a moment.

    Has anyone heard from Tanya?? : /
    Didi she say she was leaving somewhere or something? I havent seen her in a couple of days. : C
    and now its the weekend.
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