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Posts posted by Davehutch-hutchs

  1. @madcarper wrote:
    @Davehutch wrote:
    @madcarper wrote:
    feckin piece of shit computer, give me a bike to work on any day. helphead banghead banghead bang

    haha come on m8 I can't wait to see it hide

    Can you email it to me ?

    no m8 to big, tried to put it on my photobucket account with a link but its to big for that too and I can,t get my editing program to work, getting a bit pissed of now . pm me your address dave I will put the feckin films on a memory stick and send them to you.
    ok m8 thanks for that , think you need to upload it to you tube to get it on the net , will send you my address , thankyou

  2. A social ride out for our group members / friends.
    We'll depart from Mallory Park car park at 11am and take a circular route round to Rutland Water, arriving maybe around 12.30pm. Lunch is available at the pub there.
    Hopefully we'll get some sunshine and we can sit around and chat.
    After a lunch break people can make their own way home or join a group that will ride back to Mallory following a different route from the morning ride
    For those interested there is breakfast available at the cafe at Mallory and those fancying something we'll meet there at 9.30am.
    If you are planning to join please email supporters@lrbloodbikes.org.uk so we can let the pub know rough numbers of people having lunch and so we have an idea how big the group will be riding out

  3. @goferit wrote:
    @Davehutch wrote:
    I am not just saying this ,but I would have dragged him out that lorry and punched the censored  even though I am fat and 50

    I know exactly what you mean the stupid censored ker
    Very tempting,  !!!! but with camera evidence, and that nice lady as witness, hitting him would weaken the riders case .
    I doubt the driver will keep his license / job ?.. At least he shouldn't . !!

    He shouldn't be on the road---like 1000s of others  censored nts   like him..

    Glad the rider was quick to escape injury thumbs

    p.s.  Good reason to get a bike-cam --eh, folks ?. thumbs
    I think the bike-cam could do me more harm than good Embarassed

  4. the forum servers plan some maintenances on July 27th from 1am to 6am Our service will be affected during this maintenance.

    Of course, we'll inform you as much as possible on the support and on our social networks (Facebook and Twitter)

    Thanks for your understanding

  5. the forum servers plan some maintenances on July 27th from 1am to 6am Our service will be affected during this maintenance.

    Of course, we'll inform you as much as possible on the support and on our social networks (Facebook and Twitter)

    Thanks for your understanding
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