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Posts posted by Davehutch-hutchs

  1. well the highest bidder has backed out after a bit of a text message arguement last night (fuelled by half a bottle of southern comfort) he thinks he's done nothing wrong and is just going to get a nasty email from ebay for not paying for an item. So I put it on Gumtree today and within an hour had three people get in touch, one was in Nottingham on his way to Wakefield so said he could call in and look at it. Met him at about 2.00 o 'clock and turns out he buys and sells caravans ( this is not going to go down) he offered me £100 I offered to insert my boot up his arse and we parted ways. got another one coming from York tomorrow at 1.00 but up to now every person that has contacted me bar one has been Polish wtf is it with them how come theyre all into caravans? I got in touch with one of the bidders on ebay ( who is English,the only one) and he says he wants it so is coming to look at it tomorrow morning all being well. we've done a bit of a deal as one of the items he sells on ebay is re maps for diesel cars, it ups mine from 115bhp to 152 bhp. watch this space..

    good luck m8 thumbs

  2. @dirtydog wrote:
    @Davehutch wrote:
    whats it all about confused

    Sorry Dave I thought I'd replied to you already.... Ive found it useful for communicating with people who I wouldn't normally have the opportunity to.. This week I've broken through the 300 followers mark a vast majority are UK based but there are also people from the USA, Canada, Australia, Germany, to name just a few and we all share a common interest in one form or another.
    think I am starting to get the hang of it scratch

  3. saw someone fly tipping a wardrobe in our back lane today in a nissan nv200 van how eco unfriendly is that but eco friendly cos its an electric van wish i had got the bloody reg plate number .white van with nv 200 emblazoned all over it in green letters silent
    don't know why people do it stan ? why don't they just go to there council tip ?

  4. @Davehutch wrote:
    I am all black if your number is up it's up ,

    thumbs  That's ma boy!

    Actually, hi viz doesn't work too well from the front-human eyes are peak sensitive so ppl are likely to see your headlight clearly but not much else. If they can see you in your jacket, it probably tells you as much about your headlamp as anything else. Smile
    never rode with my headlight on either on my bandit , have no choice now with the king
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