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Posts posted by Davehutch-hutchs

  1. @madcarper wrote:
    I do a lot of these old bmw's for a lad who buys and sells them, build quality is better than the ones they churn out now, bullit proof if looked after and for an old bike they can motor on and handle ok. thought you had got rid of the classic bike bug m8.
    think what it is as soon as I see someone selling a bike I want it lol , but your right I decided to sell all my bikes and concentrate on the king

  2. Great pictures Dave, Scotland is my favorite place for views but I know what you mean about the roads......caution sharp bend!..NO IT WASN'T  Rolling Eyes
                      caution sharp bend!...NO IT WASN'T  Rolling Eyes
                       caution sharp bend!...NO IT WASN'T Rolling Eyes
                        caution sharp bend!...F*CK ME WHERE'S THE ROAD GONE!!! affraidaffraidLaughing
    your spot on , was surprised how the signs said sharp bend and they wouldn't have even been marked down here

  3. @madcarper wrote:
    I had the pilot road 2 on my bandit, good tyres. I'm not too bothered about wet weather grip dave as I try not to use the bike in those conditions so want to try a more sport orientated tyre. anyway I just don't like the tread pattern on the 4's  twist

    Just renewed the tyres on my Bandit again with the PR2's Ian got them really cheap as a set cos they are getting on a bit now but are great on the Bandit! and have had no worries in the past.  thumbs
    I started with the 2s then up to the 3s and now the 4s , there is a big improvement with each jump , and the 4s last longer too

  4. @madcarper wrote:
    great pics dave not bad scenery up there is it, what did you think of the roads you done some serious miles, I am going up next weekend although the weather forecast looks feckin shite.
    good and bad m8 , seen a bit of everything , you never know what is round the next corner, you can be going along a nice wide road with flowing bends then all of a sudden turn a corner and single track with passing places (great views) one of the best roads for riding IMO was from Inverary to fort William ! but then applecross is very demanding but great views , gets a bit boring in parts up to john 0 groats , but then suprises you in other places

  5. @haveugot1 wrote:
    The roadsmart 2s m8. They wear well and r grippy but i might have a change. Fancy them tyres dave is running.

    well after doing 2400 miles in Scotland on road pilot 4s (on my 3rd set now) I can truly say they saved me at least 3 times on my trip in the wet ! there wasn't once the bike didn't feel safe and I was on all road types and all conditions except frost ..
    1/ missed judged a corner and just had to lean and go for it ( got me round no problem)
    2/ over took a cage who was pissing about ,but ran out of road before cornering , braked hard and kept the bike up right to the last minute ,then let go and just tipped it in (got me round (didn't think it would it was wet and greasy)
    3/ came up to a junction when I put my feet down they where slipping all over the place (don't know what was on the road) ,But the bike didn't move !
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