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Posts posted by Davehutch-hutchs

  1. richdevon wrote:
    nice one m8 i still got me AA cover which as said it covers me in or on any thing dont even need to be driving, oh and they know the way to devon from scotland
    Only thing is RAC cover and I think AA covers the person, not a specific vehicle. RAC covers me & wife for any vehicle in which we're travelling, renewal is £123 so just gonna shop around a bit first.

    agree but different ball came when you get in to business and commercial use

  2. Right then boys & girls my birthday is coming up soon ,and the wife is going to buy me a laptop party After i punched the screen and censored my old one in a temper a while back Embarassed
    Being as i spend so much time on here now it would be nice to sit down stairs instead of up in the study,
    So my question is which one would you go for Huh lets say for about £300 - £400

  3. Cheers Dave, I'll post some pics when I've sussed how to upload them..... moped

    Have a look in the "Rules & Information for users" section there is some info on posting pics there m8 , if you still have probs give us a shout thumbs

    Nice to have you on board

  4. richdevon wrote:
    hi thought i would get on here and start posting thumbs

    [u]so tell me hows your day been today m8 ? i have had the day off cleaned the lizzys out ,cut the hedge and bushes,out the grass all in the sun and had no problems !

    About time thumbs and hows my day been Sadcensoredsmackhead bang
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