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Posts posted by Davehutch-hutchs

  1. And it gets better , thought i would wash the car and van , but first make a cheese sandwich burger the bloody cheese knife broke, went to Hoover the car and there is fag ash every where , we dont smoke but her mum who she took shopping Saturday does , so say no more silentsilent
    Now the best bit >>>>>>>>

    ..... walked through the garage to get some water and the censored CAT is pissing up my BSA affraidaffraidaffraidhead banghead banghead bangblarblarNoNofightingfightingTwisted EvilSadSadSad

  2. Just walked past the car and you can see where someone has opened there car door on ours , It makes me so censored MAD !, This is the third time the car is only 3 years old and i try my best to look after it , why dont other people just take a bit of care scratch
    If ever i caught someone doing it i would fightingfightingsmacksmack and i dont care how big, small or old , censored work hard to have nice things for some scum t**t to f**k it up censoredcensoredcensored ..........

    ...............Rant over

  3. @eclipse wrote:
    i have been pillion-ing since i was little and i must say the busa is the best 'backy' i have had ever. Comfy, smooth, quick. what more can u ask for?

    never been on back of a blackbird but for 2-up the busa is great. I just dont particularly like the look and too big for me anyway
    I thought they were big too , untill i sat on Daves (Flinty) and i was surprised , it didn't feel as big as it looks ( and before you start, his busa )
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