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Posts posted by Davehutch-hutchs

  1. iv tried it with prime and still not starting iv drained the left carb and petrol came out and drained the right carb but nothing came out thats even taking the drain screw out
    right then m8 it obviously isn't getting fuel if the bike has stood for a while the carbs need stripping and cleaning, sounds like the float valve is stuck you could try with the drain screw out putting it on prime then tapping the carb to losen the float valve, you will know when you are getting fuel because it will piss out , if it does just switch it back to run and that will stop it ,

    get back to us no1

  2. @Duncan wrote:
    Had my big off in 1980 (show you the scars one day) almost lost my right foot ,had the accident in february came out of hospital in august say what you like about doctors and nurses,to me the whole N.H.S. totally rocks this country would never be the same without it
    no1no1no1no1 and think Jus would be the first to agree

  3. @AsH wrote:
    I would have loved to join you but i am still full of cold had it for a week tomorrow pesky kids gave it me and i have just got in from work at 00:15 been out since 06:30 this morning maybe next time chaps have a safe ride


    Deffo another time Ash would be good to meet up m8 no1

    Right come on then Matt I am ready mopedmopedVery Happy
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