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Posts posted by lee1

  1. @lee wrote:
    5500 for a ka. reason being it is cheap but it is fully comp only! when ill probs go 3rd only as wana get no claims up really, and if i break the car will only be a bandger i wont give a dam about.

    still looks like bandits guna be dragged through the winter
    oh well chad was worth a try

    but this might work,just buy old bangers dont get any insureance,then when you get pulled just say I speak no english stand there looking dumb LaughingLaughingLaughing

  2. @Davehutch wrote:
    Cheers lee, ordered some any tips on using it ?

    will ask the valeter at work for you tomorrow

    but Im sure its put the stage 1 on first with a lint free cloth

    leave for 15 to 20 mins till it drys to a haze

    then go over the top of that with stage 2
    leave again for same time

    clean it off after that with another clean cloth

    job done showroom finish thumbsthumbs

    will never need doing again,will check tomorrow and let you know if this is correct way

    got this off the net but will still check for you dave,the valeter did the wifes car today and I was well impressed with it

    I got some instructions from a Car Valeter who supplies Diamondbrite. His tip was to get a car sponge and cut it in half. Use this to apply the Diamondbrite.

    Here are his full instructions (Good job my typing speed is OK).

    Hope this helps.

    1) Ensure car is clean and dry. The car does not need to be polished prior to application of diamondbrite. If the paoint work is slightly scratched or oxideised then diamondbrite cut back (or similiar cuttling compound) should be applied in the first instance. This is available either separately in the form of a 5 litre or 250 ml container or as part of the Diamonbrite used car kit DB 06.

    2) Apply diamondbrite pre-glaze (stage 1) sparingly, section by section using a soft clean cloth or fine spray gun. Ensure all exposed metal surfaces are treated including door seals and exposed metal surfaces on the inside of the tail gate / boot lid.

    3) Allow to dull until appearance has gone milky. The time this takes depends on humidity but should take no longer than 10 minutes. DO NOT remove the Stage 1 yet.

    4) Apply diamondbrite glaze (stage 2) over the dulled pre-glaze (stage 1) section by section using a clean cloth in STRAIGHT LINES (not circular motion). Applying or removing stage 2 in a circular motion will result in swirl marks particularly on dark coloured cars. Do not us a buffing machine. Use only slight pressure.

    5) Leave for 10 to 15 minutes and then remove with a soft clean cloth (in straight lines where possible)

    6) Diamondbrite stage 1 and 2 can also be applied to chrome and rubber.


    "I normally use sponges to put on Diamondbrite. Get a jumbo sponge and cut it in half. Use one half to apply stage 1 and the other to apply stage 2. Dont go mad with the stage 1 the more you put on the harder it is to remove. I would not use a spray bottle I tried this and it makes the job hard and it uses more stage 1. You wont use all of the stage 1 and stage 2. I normally get a few cars out of them."

  3. dave as your bike is new,I would invest in some diamondbright

    it protects the paint work,and you will never after polish the bike again

    its on ebay diamondbright stage 1 and 2 its called

    car dealerships sell it to customers in a kit form for as much as £300

    you dont need the kit just the stage 1 and 2 polish

    look it up on ebay,people are selling it as little as £7.00


  4. Everything lee, its 4400 to insure a ka ffs
    must be your area then,when I had my xr3i many moons ago

    I registerd it at my sisters,and changed my address on me licence to her house

    so I could afford to insure it,as her post code area made it cheaper to insure

    not that would condone this now I have grown up LaughingLaughing

  5. Feel for ya chad,there aint a right lot you can do

    sister-inlaw has just paid £4000.00 to insure her daughters suzuki swift

    ok yeah its an 08 plate and she has just passed her test,but I think its bang out of order

    just because your young it doesnt mean,your going to drive like an idiot

    what type of cars have you been getting quotes for?
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