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Everything posted by streetfighter

  1. I know how that feels i had cancer got myself together never thought i'd ride a bike again saved some money bought a bike. some scrote stole it. still i do believe in what goes around comes right back at ya. So to all them thieving scum bags out there something will catch up with ya I will be watching
  2. I bet santa would love that instead of the rain deers i bet it fly's
  3. Hellooooo welcome to the forum
  4. Dont worry mate also I agree, 1st 1 the film was great i think, 2nd mini series was good and this mini series very slow but with all the other crap on the tv what else was there to watch
  5. What you going as stue or is it a supprise till you put the pics up
  6. Well just saying MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR to all of you, Hope santa brings you all lots of shiny stuff and the New Year brings you and all your families all that they could wish for. From Streetfighter (Micky) And my Family
  7. All redheads have instant full memebership So yer in Chad,is your mum a red head to ? My son and daughter are red ginger can i join
  8. Ive been up since 4.30am in work since 6.30am don't finish till 1900hrs bummer wish is woz at home
  9. Never mind something better will come along
  10. Got it somewhere on the trojan label. Me to got all my old skinhead day vynle plus loads of others from 80's an 90's when I woz DJing
  11. Who out of us oldies remembers everything own by Ken Booth
  12. You not won yet, Chad i need all the votes that i can get get all ya mates to vote aswell please http://www.bennettsbikerdreams.co.uk/dream/view/1323/0 I'll get some emails out for ya Top man thanx chad if i win i'll be down ta see ya mate were about on sheppy are ya youst ta go there all the time when i was younger
  13. Cheers Dave that made me laugh very good tops
  14. You not won yet, Chad i need all the votes that i can get get all ya mates to vote aswell please http://www.bennettsbikerdreams.co.uk/dream/view/1323/0
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