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Posts posted by streetfighter

  1. ITCHY wrote:
    I have a PDF file and want to post it or a link to it, how do I do i??

    Not to sure about the link, But post is easy print it out put in an envelope lick and stick, put a stamp on the front address it then put it in one of the red things normally on the corner or at the post office

  2. ITCHY wrote:
    well I like to sit in front of the tele with all my gear on when it's raining thumbs

    For you my man I will see if I can find them tomorrow and try them out with the tele on do you want my helmet on or off

  3. ITCHY wrote:
    sorry i posted this then been at work since, thanks for the responses, StreetF I was looking at those but they didnt seem to go that deep into the ear,what sort of noise reduction do they have,ie can you still hear the tele with them in?

    Not sure I only used them when I had me bike good in the helmet whilst riding, can't find them at the mo, when I get another bike I'm gonna get some more and I'll put a tele on the handlebars and let you know foflfoflfofl
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