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Posts posted by streetfighter

  1. Dave put it down the end or middle of the garden, get yourself some lard soften and mix in some wild bird seed mix mould them into balls the size of a tennis ball, put some string through them and then in the fridge to go hard. Then tie them to each corner of the table, put all your loose seeds/food water on the table job done. thumbs

  2. @maveric wrote:
    @maveric wrote:
    One small maybe stupid question Embarassed .

    But other than it taken the right month does it matter witch year hide (got a nice one taken last jan 2011)

    Just want to now ,if not i wait to later this year and take the kamera out when the weather is better Cool .

    Cheers Maveric

    Sorry this year.

    Ok then we have that sorted, No worries mate.
    Probably going to be more chances later this year, so hope the spring comes early this year thumbs .

    Cheers Maveric

    Maveric just get out there and take some pics of ya bike my man it's only cold no rain in sight for a few days come on thumbs
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