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Posts posted by streetfighter

  1. Was sent on a course today got there at 8am in docklands, course starts at 9.30am so well early, only to be told that my manager has gave me the wrong details course starts at 8.30am and its the other side of London so on me way home with a days pay partythumbs

  2. @Stue11 wrote:
    my mistake i was just trying to find examples,and there are plenty,of bikers being locked up for speeding at much less speed than the company director got a ban for.
    agree with that too thumbs its not what ya know its who you know thumbs

    agree totally my pal got a 3month ban for doin 45 in a 30 and lost his job 3years ago w@nk**s, an to top that his Mrs left him 2months into it coz of money situations thumb down

  3. @Stue11 wrote:
    Ive just purchased these for me old girl thought shes in need of a likkle face lift thumbs


    http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/270811011273?ssPageName=STRK:MESINDXX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1436.l2649 wifeys bank accounts a bit lighter what with me spending £150 on me body supplements for training earlier Laughinghide

    Stue aint ad no more offers looks like the rizzla will get the vote but make sure they r on before I do vote thumbs
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