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About XS1100

  • Birthday 08/11/1959

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  1. hello not been here in a wile and it still activates jolly good.
  2. Any one thinking of blagging over to Mid Wales Vie the A44 watch out I often use this route and TBH it was like a race track very few dodgy bits, how ever not used it over the winter and did today, the road surface is f****d big time to the extent that night riding would be dangerous its really bad! the worst is from Worcester though to Crossgates .Leicester to Worcester not to bad but lots of resurfaced bits and loose gravel. Take yer time Gaz
  3. What do think good looking bike or ugly as a pig your call ? clicky@piggy
  4. This don't look to bad based on the Honda XBR500 Motor
  5. @@@@@@@@@@@@dog! your right its a pile of shiyt clip must be the toke stay cool n groovy @@@@@@@@@@Gaz
  6. You a semi Rat Catcher now then? congrats xx
  7. http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/2014/09/26/driver-jumps-red-light-police-motorcyclist_n_5886876.html
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